Chapter 5

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Killian's POV

Emma and I had a planned to meet up in the mornings while kids are at school, but this morning my daughter was sick. My poor Adalynn isnt feeling to well and I have to cancel on Emma. I got out my phone and called Emma.

Phone Call

Emma: Hello

Killian: Hey love. Im sorry, but I have to cancel.

Emma: Oh okay.

Killian: Im sorry it just my Addie is sick.

Emma: Oh your poor little girl. Well if you need any help just let me know.

Killian: I will.

End Phone Call.

Emma was so understanding and she is so sweet. Now I could focus on my little girl who wasnt feeling well. It wasnt anything new for me I have done this before, but I got another call that pissed me off.

Phone Call

Killian: What?

Milah: You cant just leave with our kids.

Killian: Actually I can. You have no custody or any rights so leave me alone.

Milah: Look I want to see my kids. You cant do this to me. I want to see my girls not Killian!

Killian: No Milah the answer is no.

End Phone Call

I hang up in anger and decided I need a walk and so I called Robin and he decided to come watch the girls for me. I headed to the park for a walk to clear my head and instead I ran into Emma.

"Ohhh... Hi." I say.

"Yeah hi.... So you lied to me?" Emma asks.

"No. My daughter is sick, but a call from the mother made me so angry that I had to go. I dont want my kids to see me all mad." I say.

"Oh... Im sorry my ex is crazy too and makes me mad as well. I dont want to speak rudely about him with my son around. I get it. Do you wanna talk about it?" She asks.

"Maybe another time." I say.

"Well if you need to talk then let me know." She says.

She gave me a hug and I didnt want to let go, but I have to go back to my kids. I let her go and kissed her head and then walked back home. I just hope Milah doesnt come here cause that would be the worse.

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