Chapter 2

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Emma's POV

Regina helped me find a house and Robin helped Killian find his. Now it was time to tell my son we are moving. Since Neal has no custody over Henry we have to dont have to get his approval. So its up to Henry if he wants his dad to know or not.

"Hey bud. I have some news." I say walking into his room.

"Mom you just got home earlier today. How can you already have news?" Henry asks.

"Well its something I have had to tell you for the last couple hours. I just didnt want to say it right away and shock you." I say.

"Okay. Well whats going on mom?" He asks.

I sat on his bed wondering what to tell him and I knew I just had to say one thing.

"Okay. You know how I go visit my friend alot... Well she wants us to be closer and I agree. So we are gonna move." I say to him.

He just looked at me and I thought he would be mad at me.

"Well okay. If thats what you want then okay." He says.

I got up and walked out of his room surprised that he took it so well. Then again I knew people gave him a hard time cause his father was out of his life. Maybe he thinks moving is whats best for both of us. Since we dont keep much we packed easily and found our way to Storybrooke.

"Yay. Your here." Regina says and walked over to us as we got of the car.

"Yeah we're here." I say.

"Oh Henry its nice to see you again. Its been so long." Regina says and hugged him.

"Yeah you too." Henry says.

"Well my man is waiting at another house so I got to go, but I'll see you guys around." Regina says and leaves.

When we walked inside Henry just looked around and then went to find his room. Now that he is on board with living here I cant help but wonder how will he handle the new boyfriend news? Well I guess I'll have to cross that bridge when I get to it.

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