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Love hurts us.

It tears through our hearts and minds and completely rips them apart, then tries to put them back together with sloppy stitches, leaving us to try to keep it all together. It leaves us paranoid, afraid, sad, and angry, and it leaves us questioning. It leaves us terrified of rejection because we've been rejected by so many other people, and it leaves us hating ourselves, because it had to have been something we did. We had to be the reason they left, the reason they turned us down, the reason that nothing worked out.
We blame ourselves for the pain that we're going through, because we obviously weren't good enough. Love turns our hearts and mind upside down and inside out and backwards, leaving us to sort out the mess.

Love heals us.

Yes, it can hurt our heart, but it can also heal it. It makes us hopeful and happy and excited to be here, on this earth, at this place, at this time. It makes us see that there is good in people, and there is light in the world, because as long as they're there, nothing can possibly go wrong. It makes us see that everything's going to be okay, and that life isn't really that bad, and we have a reason to be alive. It teaches us that we're going to be okay, because yes, we might be broken, but that doesn't mean we're irredeemable. And yes, love messes with our heart and mind and everything in between, but it teaches us that we can make it through whatever comes our way, and that there is something worth fighting for.

Author's note: This was inspired by a prompt titled "Write about Love" from a list I found of over 300 prompts.

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