10 Facts

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Here's 10 facts about me:

1. I have two cats that I love very much.


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2. I can play the ukulele. I got a new one this past Christmas that I really like.

3. I can also play the oboe. It's hard but I'm slowly getting the hang of it.

4. I'm an introvert.

5. My favorite color is blue, despite that fact that I wear black pretty much 24/7.

6. I really, really want to learn to play either the violin or the cello. Preferably the cello, because I love how deep and full it sounds, but with how small my hands are I'd probably have to do violin. (Now all I need to do is get enough money to buy one...)

7. I played clarinet for about 6 years before switching over to the oboe.

8. I am an empath (no, not like the superpower). Another term for it would be a highly sensitive person, HSP for short. Many introverts are empaths, and they're generally very kind-hearted, in tune with other's emotions, and very perceptive of the world around them. They will try to help people in any way they can, and if someone else is sad or upset they will feel that person's pain with them.

9. I wasn't really that interested in reading/writing poetry until last school year, when we did a Poetry unit in my English Language Arts bclass.

10. I have green eyes.
(I honestly didn't know what else to put for this one, haha.)

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