"But you don't know how."

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Their teary eyes stare back at you, barely blinking. They look so tired, like they'll break into a million pieces if you say a single word, so you don't. You don't know what to say even if you wanted to. The two of you just sit there, staring at each other. You don't know how to help them, you don't know how to rid them of their pain, but you know that's all you want to do. You want to silence the demons in their head, let them know you love them, let them know you would do anything for them and you care about them more than they would ever believe.

But you don't know how. So you both continue to sit there, staring at each other. Tears slowly begin to fall down their face, then faster and faster until they're sobbing, shaking so badly they can barely breathe.

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