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I'm so bored right now. It's my first day of Christmas break today and I've done basically nothing so far. I'm bored out of my mind. I keep refreshing Pinterest but I get bored after 10 minutes and close it, so then I go to Wattpad but there's nothing left for me to read because everything's been updated recently. I go to watch YouTube and watch like half of one video before closing if. My mom and sister are watching a movie upstairs but I don't really want to watch it because I've already seen it 2 or 3 times. I would practice oboe but that doesn't sound interesting right now, because I'd just be going over my solo that I pretty much know for the most part. I could play ukulele but that doesn't sound interesting either, and neither does playing the piano or listening to music. I'm just so bored and I want to do something but nothing sounds satisfying to me, and even if it was, I'd probably end up getting bored of it again 10 minutes later. I kind of want to write out/edit 2 stories I've been working on recently but I can't think of anything to write about, and I really don't want to just keep going over everything I have planned out. I kind of already want Christmas break to be over already but I also don't want to go to school and have to deal with homework and tests and stupid people.

(I just had to make a Sherlock reference. I'm sorry.)

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