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I did everything  for you
but you did nothing,
I give you my love
but you give me pain;
I give you my heart
but you tore it apart,
I chose you over my pride,
but  you broke me in and outside
I even cried a million tears,
but you throw me with your dagger stare;
I even surrendered my own dream,
but you left me dumbfounded and in shame

Now, I have nothing but me
I have nothing but a broken me
If my agony will make you happy
So be it, I'll embrace it wholeheartedly,
but mark my word starting this day
If our path will cross again
I'll assure you, I'm no longer in pain,
but I will not avenge of what you've done
Instead, I will show you my sweetest me:
my smile, my compose self, and me being happy
So you'll realize of how fool you are of losing me
And that is my revenge in the sweetest way.


"I know it's hard to move forward, to forgive that someone who ripped your heart and destroy your trust; I know it's painful and even my note could not define the pain that you're going through, right now,   but it'll only be this moment on, time comes you'll wake up that you already did it. Just be patient and hang on to yourself, to your selfworth!"


Her PEN (Personal Expressions of No One Sees)Where stories live. Discover now