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Life is a complicated dimension of creation. We live and being conceive to this world and afterwards we will be buried sixty feet under the ground. We laugh with our heart beats out but afterwards we will cry a million tears of pain. We woke up every morning to start our new day but afterwards we will witness how the sun goes down and how the darkness night envelope the earth that signal us "it's time to rest and sleep." We eat a lot of food until our tummy is rejoicing because it's full but afterwards we will feel hungry again while our tummy is mumbling to it's fullest sound.

See? Why is it that there will be always an opposite? When there is positive, the negative always take it's part. Is this how our dimension created?

It might be, yes, people says that the world possessed it's two face; the negative and the positive one. How ironic! Ironic to the sense that why life is design to be like this? Why is it? What's the reason? Too much question, too much insight but that's a part of us...curiosity is a part of us being a human and for this point, I just want to throw you some insight and questions that keep on rolling in my mind right now.

Human is a human, life is a life, I know. Even we already know the reason we keep on asking and throwing question from each other, because reasons is not always bearable to bear.


"Just a random thoughts."


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