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Photographs of us are slowly fading in the background
During the muting days that has no names
Your smile being replaced with grin
Your heart being replaced with stone
Your love being buried in hatred
Oh, oldest time, please bring back my love.

What a painful lifetime!
If I can turn the pages to the beginning
If I can rewrite the words till it's ending
I will surely jail you in the moment where I can extend---
The story of us to its happy end.

But it's done
We're done!

A name that has no words
A memories that has no time
A  story that has no end
A "You" that has no "I".


"We can't bring back the time only the memories by remembering them. So yeah live at the moment and be with that someone. "

Her PEN (Personal Expressions of No One Sees)Where stories live. Discover now