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Many of the innocent are proven guilty
The reason? They don't have a bundle of money,
They can't afford to buy some justice as they say
So the outcome, fifteen, thirty or even lifelong in the dungeon slay.

They are the victims not the cost player
They are the one who deserve some help not the murderer
They don't need such pity
They need our sympathy.

We are the witness, they are the victim
We are in the light, they are in the dark dim
We are here standing proud,
They are out there hiding from the crowd
We throw some judgement, they bear it in silent
But how come, they know more than we do?
'Cause we only know the cover not the content they've been through.


"I just saw a very heart clutch movie and it stated there that the law was never been unfair, it is just the person who bear the law. And yes, to someone who've been through the same situation, salute Sir and Ma'am, for your name was tainted and broke yet that name of yours is truly an inspiration to many!"

Her PEN (Personal Expressions of No One Sees)Where stories live. Discover now