New Dreams #4

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"Are you ready?" Haru asked me.

"I'm ready," I said trying to come off as enthusiastic.

"Are you sure?" Haru asked again.


You see I was currently on the train to school with my brother. He continued to ask me questions like If I was okay, or did I have everything with me. Though when I answered his last questions he just sighed.

"There's nothing to be worried about," Haru tried to reassure me.

"I don't know Haru, what if I'm a total outcast. I've heard many stories about high school and I don't think I'm quite ready," I explained to him.

"Don't worry too much (y/n). Just relax, it's only the first day of high school, what could go wrong," I knew that my brother was right because he and I are both nervous about meeting new people and going to new places. But he was older than me so he knew, only a little though.

Time Skip

I walked around the halls trying to find my class. I looked back down at my schedule to see I was in call 1-B I looked up at the classroom doors to realized I had skipped class 1-B quite a while ago and I was standing in front of class 1-H.

I turned around and walked down the halls until I was in front of class 1-B. "Wow all the class doors are huge," I said looking up to see just how tall it was compared to me. I looked back down at the door to my eye level and I could feel the rising anxiety in my chest as I sighed. "Calm down, what could go wrong, it's just the first da-,"

"Hey (l/n)," I heard as I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" My screams overlapped the person who had been speaking to me. As quickly as the scream began it ended and I turned around to see a guy with blonde hair and a slightly shorter guy with indigo hair. My face flushed with embarrassment as I waved my hands in front of my face. "I'm so sorry for yelling, you scared me is all," I said trying to pretend as if none of that happened.

"It's fine, but you do remember us right?" Togata asked.

"Umm, Togata, and Amajiki, right?"I questioned.

"Hey, looked she remembered you," Togata said nudging Amajiki's side. I looked at the dynamic duo and laughed, but I wasn't laughing at them it was a joyful laugh realizing that I was worrying over nothing. Though I saw Amajiki's distressed face and my laughter died down and I just smiled.

"Sorry for laughing, I just realized was stressing out over nothing," I said turning around to face the door. "We should go in now, the class is almost about to start," I slid the door open to see that there was already quite a few people in the class.

"I don't think I should go in," I heard Amajiki say.

"What do you mean? They seem friendly," Togata stated looking over at me as if he wanted me to back up his statement.

"Y-yeah, just look at them-" I was cut off before I could finish my own sentence and was tackled by a hug.

"(L/n), it's good to see you again," I turned my head to the side to see the girl from the entrance exam.

"Hado!?" I yelled in surprise.

"Yep, it's me," Hado let go of me and looked at the other two behind me. "You know them?" She asked.

"I meet them during the entrance exams as well, Togata bumped into me and gave me a bloody nose," I said with a slight laugh as explained to her.

"I said was sorry," Togata defended himself.

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