Fat Gum! #23

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A/N: I would like to thank you all for the wonderful suggestions for the Readers Hero name, they were all fun, especially the Toph one. As much as I wanted to pick that for obvious reasons I couldn't. Though I think the one I picked out is very becoming of her. If you want to know what it is you can always go back to the Babysitting chapter in which the characters talk about potential Hero names for the Reader. Tamaki is the one that suggests the name that the Reader decides to use.

Anyways, on to the chapter!

I sat next to Haru on the train ride to school, though Tamaki and Mirio weren't with us like they usually were since Haru decided to leave earlier than usual to finish a project. I went on ahead with him to help him out with it. However, I'll admit I was rather tired and it visibly showed as I kept dozing off.

"You know (y/n), you could have stayed home a little longer. You're clearly tired," Haru said poking my cheek trying to wake me up.

"It's fine," I said while yawning. "It's my fault for going to sleep so late last night." I refocused my gaze and looked at the time on my phone to see that it was 7 on the dot. "What are you making for your project anyways?" I asked.

"The project is to make a gadget for anyone of their choosing, so I'm making you a new pair of goggles," Haru explained.

"Why me though?" I questioned out of curiosity.

"I heard from Hajime that your goggles broke the other day. He was rather mad at you for breaking them," Haru finished with a laugh.

"Eh, w-well it's not my fault. It's not like I wanted Soma to punch me in the face." I defended myself.

"Either way, they're broken now," Haru stated matter-a-factly. "Your new pair should be finished by the end of the day."

"Haru, have I ever told you how cool you are?" I asked.

"I'll take that as thanks."

Time Skip 3rd POV (brought to you by Shinsuke Kita and his rice field)

(Y/n) sat at her table with her head down sleeping as is she wear at home. Tamaki, Mirio, and Nejire looked down at the sleeping (y/n).

"How long has she been sleeping for?" Nejire asked Mami. Since Mami is usually the first in class she might give a proper answer.

"She's been asleep since I got here." Mami walked over to the three and looked down at (y/n) as well. "Let her sleep until the bell rings, she seems tired."

The three of them took their seats and talked amongst each other until Mr. Vlad came into the room. When Tamaki saw him walk in, he nervously tapped (y/n) to wake her up.

"(Y/n), Mr. Vlad is here." Though when he did that (y/n) instinctively reached out for his hand and held it making Tamaki panic. (Y/n) opened her eyes to see who was waking her up. She paused for a moment when she saw it was Tamaki and quickly let go of his hand with a flustered look on her face.

"O-oh, I'm so s-sorry. I didn't mean to do that," (y/n) stammered.

"N-no, don't worry about it," Tamaki said trying to reassure her. They both awkwardly looked away from each other hoping that the other didn't see their blushing face.

Though, before the situation could continue to diffuse Mr. Vlad began talking. "Good morning, for today we have Hero Informatics Class and a special one at that... You all will be coming up with your Hero Aliases." The class cheered in joy knowing that there wasn't going to be an overcomplicated lesson or a quiz. Though I just sat there in fear and anxiety, I had never thought of my Hero name. I mean, of course, it's going to be something Earth-related, but nothing interesting was coming to mind. "However, concerning the Pro draft picks I mentioned the other day... it's based on who the Pros think will be ready to join the Hero workforce after another two or three years of experience. In other words, it's a way for them to show interest in your futures. But there's ample time for their interest to wane before you graduate. And any and all can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite often."

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