The Spark Of A Fire #13

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Akihiro stood at the door putting on his shoes getting ready to leave. I sat on the coach waiting for Haru to get ready as I watched him, and I was rather confused by these actions since he had no work today.

"Hey Aki, where are you going?" I asked him.

"I heading out to work," he said.

"But its Tuesday. You don't have work on Tuesday," I said to him. He opened the door when he finish putting on his shoes.

"Well there has been more activity on this villain gang by the name of Chain Heads. They called me in today because they think they might have a lead on the location of one of their Headquarters," Aki said.

"Alright then," I said. "Try not to come home to late. You might miss Dad's Lasagna."


Time Skip

"Good work on the Battle training last week," Mr. Vlad said. "Also, sorry for the sudden announcement, but you will be picking class president today." In a hurry everyone in the class began to raise theirs hand.

"I'd like to be class president!" Karou yelled holding his hand high.

"As if. I'd be a better class president than you!" Chibi growled trying to hold her hand higher.

"I wanna be the leader!" Soma Yelled.

"This position was made for me," Riyuu said.

"Sounds fun," Yuyu said. I looked around the classroom only to realize everyone was holding up their hand, even Tamaki was.

From what I heard, in the hero course of Yuuie being class president meant being the leader. Who ever won that spot would be best suited as the top Hero. Though I wasn't really interested in being president I didn't really mind if I wasn't number one hero, I just wanted to be a great Hero. I didn't have to be the top in order to be great.

"How about we vote for class president," I had said without realizing. Everyone's heads turned to face me. I froze in place as my heart began to beat faster.

"How do you suggest we do this then?" Asked Soma.

"W-well, I was thinking that maybe the person with the most votes will the class president," I suggested. Everyone had put there hands down in a pause just to listen to what I need to say.

"But we hardly know each other," Hamiyako said.

"Well that just means the person with the most votes is more suited to be class president than any of us." Everyone seemed to pounder on this a bit longer.

"That's a pretty good idea, we should give it a try," Mirio said breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Nejire said joining in too. "Mr. Vlad, do you mind if we take votes?" She asked.

"Whatever it take to get a class prez," Mr. Vlad said.

It wasn't long until everyone made their votes the results displayed on the board. I sat there in shock on the results. On the board it showed the names in the following order. Kimizuki Teruko with four votes, (l/n) (y/n) with three votes, Togata Mirio with two Votes, Hamiyako Simon with one and everyone else either voted for themselves or for some one else. Though Nejire and Tamaki had no votes, they must have voted for some one else.

"Why me..." I said as I put my head facing the desk. At this point I could sense Tamaki's worry

"Congrats (y/n)," Mirio said looking back at me.

"I knew you would get some votes," Nejire said.

"WHY'D I'D ONLY GET ONE VOTE!" Yelled Karou.

"Because nobody likes you," Chibi said.

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