The War Against the Heavens

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I pace along my room, "Are you okay?" I turn towards my doorway to see my brother, Vex. "No." I continue to pace as he sits on my bed. "Sis, come sit down." I look at him and he sends me a small smile. My brother has been my biggest supporter. I sit down and put my head on his shoulder. "What is wrong, little red?" I look at him in the eyes, "Something doesn't feel right, Vex." He looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" Before I could answer my head started pounding. The pain consumed me to the point that I dropped to the ground.


Scarlet screamed as she dropped to the ground. "Little Red?! What is wrong? What is happening? Scarlet?!"


I bend down over Ethan. He is screaming at the top of his lungs. "Ethan?! Are you okay?" I hold him while the chaos breaks out around us. I use my wings and cover us from attacks. He started trembling.


Scarlet started crying. I start wiping her tears when they changed to blood. "Oh my God! Scarlet!" I feel my eyes start to fill. "Please wake up, Scarlet!" I whisper through broken tears.


I wipe the blood tears from his eyes. Then out of no where, Ethan stopped crying and opened his eyes. They were white. Pure white. They had no pupil or iris. It was quite terrifying. He floated up causing me to break the hold around him.


I watch as Scarlet's body start to glow as it floated in the air. Her black eyes started to scare me. I always knew she was powerful, but this is unimaginable. I blink and we both suddenly changed locations. The heavens wrapped around us, and chaos flowed endlessly. I look over to find a Purple having the same reaction as Scarlet. The Heavens stopped as everyone started to watch the encounter of Scarlet and the Purple. The Dark Lord watched Neferet, as she did the same to him. They float up to face each other in the air. "It is time for the darkness to rise!" Scarlet's voice broke the silence. It was different than her usual voice. It was filled with power. A wicked laughter broke out across the kingdom. "We will see, won't we?" The Purple's voice was deep and filled with power as well. A clap of Scarlet's hands sent a powerful wave causing the Purple to hold up his hand to block and send a counter attack. The chaos picked up ten fold.


The fight between the Purple and Scarlet has been pretty equal. I fought anyone who tried to tear her down. I felt a sudden sting in my side. "Fuck!" Someone cut my side. I start to heal immediately, but the initial encounter hurt. I look at Scarlet, and I see her staring at me. Her eyes changed back to their regular color. She looked around confused, "What the fu--?!" The Purple used this moment of distraction to hit her in the face. She fell back onto the ground, knocked out. "Scarlet?!" I ran over to her and hovered over her body. I look up to see the Purple laughing. My anger started to fill my veins. I floated into the air and created eye contact with the Purple. He tilted his head to the side and laughed, "Do you really think you can beat me?"


I groan when I start to wake up. I see the Purple who hit me in the air. I feel my blood boil, but it turns to concern quickly after I see him getting ready to attack Vex. "Vex!" He ignored me and drew his weapon. Vex and the Purple start to fight, but the Purple had the upper hand. Vex started taking serious attacks from the Purple. I could tell he was hurting, but Vex wouldn't let the Purple know that. Vex swung his weapon, but stopped when the Purple grabbed him by the throat and snapped it like it was nothing. Vex's lifeless body crashed down onto the ground. I ran over to him. "Vex? Bubba? Please? No! You can't die! Please wake up!" I hold his body and start to cry. I have never felt this emotion before. I lift my head up and scream at the top of my lungs. Everyone stopped and held their ears.

"You will pay for this Neferet!" The Dark Lord stood behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. "THIS WAR IS NOT OVER!!"


A/N: I know this was a dark chapter, but it will make sense later on. I am sorry for not updating! I have been extremely busy with college! I love you all! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 60 reads! That means a lot!

***PLEASE comment/vote/share*** I love seeing y'all's opinions and reactions to the story! -Krystal :)

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