Underlying Feelings

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"So, what is your middle name?" His question caught me off guard. His voice was deep as he looked me up and down. "Umm.. I do not have one." He nodded and I could tell he was trying to start a conversation to break the awkward silence. "What is your's?" I ask as I smile at him. He smiled back and said, "Grant." I smile, "Ethan Grant. I like that." He started to blush so he looked down to hide it. "What is your favorite color?" I smirked at him, "Are you trying to get answers from me, like a spy?" His eyes grew, "No, I just want to get to know you. Sorry, I will stop asking questions." He said saddened. I start laughing, "No, it's okay! My favorite color is blue." He looks at me and smiles, "That is cool. Mine is red." I start to blush and look away. The pizza finally arrived and it smelled beautifully. I look at Ethan as his gray hair contrasts with his hazel eyes. He took a bite of the pizza and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I couldn't hold back from laughing, causing him to look at me and blush. "Is it orgasmic?" He looked at me confused as he put the pizza down and asked, "Orgasmic?" I look around confused, "You know? Orgasmic. It tasted so good that you had an orgasm?" His eyebrows fused together trying to understand what I asked. He looked cute when he contemplated things. "I do not know what an orgasm is. Is it an action or something?" My eyes widened, "You. You do not know what an orgasm is?! You are hott and do not know what an orgasm is!" His eyebrow shot up and he smirked at me. "You think I am hott?"

My head starts to pound and I knew what was happening, so I quickly made up an excuse. "I have to go to the bathroom. I will be right back." He smiled at me and said, "I will be here waiting." I send him a quick smile and run to the bathroom right as I teleport back to the Underworld. I find myself in my room and my master sitting on my bed. "Ahh, Scarlet. What an amazing timing." I could tell he was upset by his eyes. They are a brighter and deeper red. I immediately drop to the ground and bow in front of him. He started to pace in front of me. "Did I not make it clear that you were going to Earth for an important task?!" I nod and he continued, "I don't remember YOU finding someone to seduce in that instruction!" I continue to look down and say, "I promise, I was not meaning to. I just want to make friends. It is hard when you can't talk to other supernaturals." I pleaded and I could hear his voice fill with rage as he spoke, "Are you fucking stupid, Scarlet?! HE is a supernatural!" My head jerked up after looking at the floor and made eye contact with my master. "What?!" He sat down back on the bed and said, "I haven't figured out what he is exactly, but he is definitely a supernatural." I could feel my blood boil. I am so fucking naive. I knew he was too fucking perfect! "You need to figure out what he is and why he is on Earth." My master broke my thoughts and I nodded. "I will."

I close my eyes and teleport back to Ethan. I walk back up to him and he turns to me as if he felt my eyes. He quickly smiles at me and I could feel the butterflies fill my stomach. STOP IT, SCARLET! I smile at him and he said, "I saved you half of the pizza, because I thought you would be hungry." Fuck, this is going to be harder than I thought.

A/N: OH SHIT! Turning points! I am sorry this story isn't super interesting, but thank you for reading it anyways! I love you all! 99 reads! I love you all

***PLEASE comment/vote/share*** I love seeing y'all's reactions and opinions to the story! -Krystal :)

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