Chapter 17

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Aigoo my new book is doing well! Thank you for all the support ♥♥


Jennie POV

The next day was Saturday, so we didn't have to go to school. I was happy I could get a little rest.

I was making breakfast in the kitchen, while Lisa was watching TV. Suddenly the phone rang, and Lisa jumped up. "I'll get it!" She called from the living room.

I stopped what I was doing and went to listen. I leaned against the wall and looked at Lisa, who answered the phone.

"Hello?.... Ah yes, hello sir ..... Oh?.... I'll ask her.... I see.... Okay then, see you later... Bye" Lisa hung up and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked when she hugged my waist and hid her face in the crook of my neck.

"That was the officer who arrested your mother. He wanted to know if you want to speak to her." She mumbled, voice muffled.

I thought for a second. I didn't want to see the woman who harassed both me and my girlfriend, but I had to face her. I have to let her know that I'll be with Lisa, if she likes it or not. I should make it clear that I don't tolerate homophobic people in my life, especially not when it goes to this extent.

"I want to.." Lisa looked up. "Really? But, baby.." I cut her off with a peck on her lips. "Don't worry Lisa, I'm gonna let her know I will not forgive nor forget what she did to me. She destroyed her own right to be in my life."

Lisa leaned in for another kiss. Softly, her plump lips met mine, a kiss full of love and understanding. When we pulled away our foreheads touched, and we looked into each other's eyes.

"I'm proud of you, baby." Lisa smiled at me. "You're so brave to face your mom like that, it takes a lot of courage to stand up to the person that raised you." I shook my head. "The woman that raised me is no longer here, my mom changed too much, I don't know who she is anymore. I don't want her to be in my life if all she'll cause is misery."

With that, Lisa ended our little moment and took her coat. She handed me mine and opened the door. "Then let's go, shall we?" I nodded.


When we arrived at the police station, an officer took us to a room. I took a deep breath and looked at Lisa. I could see she was nervous too, she took my hand a gave it a little squeeze.

Then the door opened and we went in. My mom sat at a desk, handcuffed. We sat opposite of her, and she stared at me. Then her eyes went to Lisa. Her mouth opened in shock. "No! Not you! What are you doing here?!" She yelled at her.

Lisa remained calm, not even flinchig. "I'm here to support my girlfriend." She said easily. I smiled, looking at my mom and nodded. "That's right, she DOES support me, unlike some people in this room." I spat back at her. I wasn't even going to show sympathy.

My mom sighed. "Oh Jennie, please listen to me, she intoxicated you, she tricked you into thinking tha--" I slammed my hands on the table, shitting her up. "Now you listen to me, woman!" I saw my mom flinch. "I don't fucking care what you think about Lisa, I love her. She showed me love, and support, and care. While you tried to convince both me and Soojin we were sick. Well let me fucking tell you something!! I'm not sick, I can love whoever I want to love and I don't care if you accept it or not!"

I paused to take a breath, and continued, not giving her a chance to speak.

"There is nothing wrong with loving a girl, and if you think there is, I'm kindly asking you to get the fuck out of my life. Because if all you're going to do is bring misery and anger into my life, I don't want you. I don't fucking want you in my life!!"

All this time, my mom listened in silence. Now she spoke up. "B-but I'm your mother.." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "No you're not. A mother would support her child, let her be happy. That's not what you did for me, is it?"

My mother now looked at her hands, not able to say anything. "That's what I thought." I said. Lisa stood up and motioned to the door. I nodded and stood up as well, heading to the door.

"Oh, and, mom?" She looked up with hope. "I'm moving out."


The next chapter will contain many many ships ;)

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