Chapter 23

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With Evie
Evie: Why don't you just let me go?
Gil: Can't! You see there is this special person that wants to talk to you
Evie: Who?
Gil: I can't tell
Evie: Why not?!
Gil: I just can't
Evie: Since when did you become and serious?
Gil: I don't know don't ask me
Evie: You know Gil, once Jay, Mal and Carlos found me you will be dead
Gil: We'll see about that
Evie: Just let me go and we won't have any problems
Door opens*
Evie: Gasps in shock* Can't be
Gil: She's all yours Captain Leaves*
Uma: Sits down in front of Evie* Hello.... princess!
Evie: T-This can't be were dead!!
Uma: Wrong! have to help me with something
Evie: If you are talking about Scarlett then....
Uma: I know Mal's still alive you idiot! She 'killed' me and ran off with Carlos.... That I remember
Evie: Shocked*
Uma: Now are going to help us
Evie: Why would I help you?
Uma: I have a deal
Evie: Like your mother
Uma: Shut up!
Evie: Okay the deal?
Uma: You give me safe passage to Mal and Carlos and you are free to go
Evie: So if I help you you'll let me go?
Uma: Nods*
Evie: I-I don't know
Uma: Let me make this easier for you.... You help us and if you refuse I will make sure that little thing inside you will not get the opportunity to even grow
Evie: Shocked* W-What?
Uma: You have three seconds! 1....2.....

The Next Day
With Mal and Carlos
Carlos: We're home!!
Dude: Runs to them* Guys!!!
Mal: Hey!
Jay: Walks in*
Mal: Hey!
Carlos: Hey man!
Jay: H-hey! Did you guys have fun?
Carlos: Yes we did
Mal: It was great!
Carlos: But we are glad that we're back home
Mal: How's Evie actually?
Jay: She's fine she's been great these last few days
Mal: That's great! Where is she?
Jay: She's still asleep she'll come later I think
Mal: Oh..okay Drops her suitcases*
Carlos: And did you three have fun that week without us?
Dude: Well one time Jay and I pranked Evie one time
Carlos: Really? Looks at Jay*
Jay: Yeah she didn't really like it tho
Mal: What did you do?
Jay: We pretended Dude was gone and she freaked out!
Carlos: I get that
Dude: It was really funny tho
Mal: Well I will just go upstairs and check on her I'll be right back
Jay: NO!
Mal: Why not?
Jay: I...Evie...I...
Carlos: Jay are you alright?
Jay: Yeah of course why wouldn't I?
Mal: Jay?
Dude: Evie's missing!
Mal: SHE'S WHAT?! Green eyes*
Jay: I thought we talked about this?
Carlos: You told us she was there!
Mal: Jay!!
Door opens*
Mal: Turns around*

Mal: EVIE!! Hugs Evie* We were so worried!
Evie: Hey
Group hug*
Jay: Where were you? I worried sick!
Evie: I..I...I...never mind I just stayed at Auradon prep to help with some things
Jay: Why didn't you just call me then?
Evie: I lost my phone
Jay: Looks at her worried*
Evie: I'm okay really! Now tell us about the honeymoon!!

*Time Skip*

Carlos: Closing the door quite*
Jay: I'm sorry I didn't told you guys
Carlos: Hey I get it but next time please tell us Mal was really worried about her
Jay: I know she told me but I didn't want to ruin the honeymoon
Carlos: I know man
Jay: Anyways....when are you going to find out?
Carlos: We're going tomorrow
Jay: And what do you hope it's gonna be?
Carlos: A girl....Mal and I both had dreams about us having a girl but if it turns out it's a boy then it's okay too
Jay: I'm really happy for you guys
Carlos: Thanks I can't wait until Eve's is pregnant too Giggles*
Jay: Blushes*
Carlos: I'm kidding
Jay: I know I know
Mal: Walks in* What do you know?
Jay: Carlos and I were just talking about Evie
Mal: What about her?
Carlos: Nothing we just joked about Evie being pregnant too
Jay: Blushes again*
Mal: Giggles* Carlos E is not pregnant and I'm sure that they have protection
Jay: Nods*
Carlos: I was just joking
Jay: I know
Mal: Well let's go downstairs and grab our suitcases

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