Chapter 52

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Jay: You okay?
Mal: Yeah
Carlos: You really scared us Kisses her head*
Evie: Yeah she did
Gil: I still don't get why Uma isn't afraid of you
All: Laugh*
Evie: Uh...Gil can I talk to you? Alone
Gil: I don't know if....
Jay: I don't think that's a good idea baby
Evie: I'll be fine, I just want to talk
Jay: Looks at Evie and then at Gil* Okay, but if he does something you scream okay?
Evie: Okay. You coming?
Gil: Okay Walks away with Evie*

Gil: What is it you wanted to talk about?
Evie: You really had a crush on me?
Gil: Blushes lightly* Y-yeah but not anymore so d-don't worry
Evie: I won't
Gil: Smiles* 
Evie: I'm really sorry for you, everything that you have been's hard
Gil: Yeah it is, especially when you try your best but no one seems to appreciate it
Evie: Uma
Gil: Not just's basically everyone in the world
Evie: Don't think of yourself like that
Gil: How can I not? 
Evie: Uma told you things that aren't started to believe her
Gil: After a while
Evie: Gil, you are a good person who deserves to be treated better
Gil: Well no one ever treated me well
Evie: Not even Harry?
Gil: Not really, sometimes he does but then Uma comes in
Evie: And then they both treat you like shit?
Gil: Nods*
Evie: Are you scared of her?
Gil: Yeah
Evie: Why didn't you leave her gang then?
Gil: I couldn't, she told me how to steal and stuff like that. Everything that I did was to help my little sister
Evie: And now you did leave
Gil: She was mad at me and I couldn't take it anymore, I tried to bring Gaye too but....she wasn't ready to take the risk of coming here
Evie: Was that the only reason you came here? 
Gil: No. I came here because I don't want to be the bad guy anymore
Evie: Puts her hands on his shoulders* You don't have to be anymore, we can help with that
Gil: Really?
Evie: Everyone deserves a second chance. And I think there is a good person in there
Gil: You really think so?
Evie: Nope, I know so
Gil: Chuckles* Thanks Evie
Evie: Hugs Gil* And you are going to prove to everyone that you are!
Gil: Hugs back* 
Evie: Pulls away from their hug* And who knows? Maybe there is a girl out there who is waiting for a guy just like you
Gil: Really?
Evie: Auradon is filled with girls who are looking for boys like you. Sweet, caring and protective.... girls like that
Gil: Chuckles*
Evie: Come on let's go back

Jay: I still don't trust him
Carlos: I don't know Eve's  
Evie: I know you guys don't trust him but...I do
Mal: You can't be serious
Evie: I am. If you don't trust him that's fine but trust me instead
Carlos: I am not trusting a guy who raped one of my best friends
Jay: Me neither, Evie you can't trust him
Evie: Guys! He just told us every single detail of Uma's plan....he wants us to stop her
Carlos: But we still don't know how we are going to stop her
Mal: And we don't even know if he told us the truth
Gil: I did
Jay: Nobody said you could talk!
Gil: You can't tell me what to do! Listen I understand that you don't trust me but I want to help
Carlos: And how do we know this isn't some sick joke Uma set up?
Gil: Because I don't want to be the bad guy anymore
Evie: I trust him
Mal: Alright, I trust him
Carlos: You can't be serious!
Mal: I am, I trust Evie so....I trust him too
Evie: Thanks M
Carlos: Looks at Jay*
Jay: Looks at Carlos*
Carlos: Alright! But if it turns out it's a set up you are in big trouble
Jay: Sighs* Okay! We trust you

With Gaye
Harry: Are you sure about this?
Gaye: I came here with a mission
Harry: Still. You know that when Uma finds out we are gone, we are....
Gaye: Dead? Yeah I know just help me up here
Harry: Alright alright Pushes her up into the window* I have a bad feeling about this
Gaye: Do ever stop whining? Come up here!!
Harry: I'm coming! Jumps up and climbs into the window*

Hey guys!! Today is my birthday!!! I hope you liked this chapter! And don't forget to vote for the chapter if you want the story to continue! Love you all!!

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