Chapter 49

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Melanie: Starts to cry and puts her arms towards her mother*
Evie: Gives Melanie to Mal*
Mal: No take her, I'll hurt her
Melanie: Stops crying*
Jay: Walks into the room* No you won't
Mal: I will just take her!
Carlos: Mal, why are you acting like this? Normally you would commit a murder to hold her as long as possible  
Melanie: Looks at her mother*
Mal: Smiles at Melanie and whispers* I love you so much
Melanie: Grabs her mothers nose*
Mal: But for your own safety you have to stay with your father
Melanie: Starts to cry again*
Mal: Give Melanie to Carlos* Dark days are coming, I have to make sure you guys are okay
Carlos: Dark days?
Mal: The darkness is coming back, it never really cured 
Jay: What?
Evie: But...
Mal: IT DIDN'T!!
Melanie: Cries*
Mal: I'm sorry I can't stay here
Jay: No! You are not leaving again
Evie: M, how do you know it's back
Mal: Someone told me
Evie: Who?
Mal: I don't was a voice I never saw a person
Carlos: Maybe you were in shock
Mal: I DON'T CARE WHAT IT WAS!! Shows her green eyes* DOG BOY
Jay: Stands in front of Evie*
Carlos: Mal
Mal: Calms down* I-I'm sorry Runs upstairs*
Melanie: Cries*
Carlos: I'll be right back

Mal: Putting some clothes in her backpack*
Carlos: I don't think so! Sets Melanie down on the bed*
Mal: Didn't you just see what happened?
Carlos: Calm down, we can figure this out
Mal: How? True loves kiss didn't work
Carlos: We'll figure it out 
Mal: Starts to cry* I don't want to be like that again
Melanie: Mama
Mal: Looks at Melanie* Did she just...
Carlos: Talk. She did
Melanie: Mama Puts her hands up in the air*
Carlos: Pick her up then
Mal: What if I....
Carlos: You won't hurt her
Mal: Picks up Melanie*
Melanie: Mama!
Mal: Brushes her nose against Melanie's*
Carlos: See
Melanie: Giggles*
Carlos: You don't have to be scared 
Mal: Smiles* I'm sorry
Carlos: You don't have to apologize. You just care about us
Mal: Maybe I care a little too much
Carlos: Maybe....but that's sweet Warps his arms around her*
Mal: Sighs in relief* I just want to be sure you guys are safe
Carlos: I know, I know. But you don't have to leave, we'll figure this out
Melanie: Yawns*
Carlos: Our little puppy is tired Gives Melanie's head a kiss*
Mal: Kisses Melanie's head too and lies her down in her crib* 
Carlos: Come on
Mal: I'll be right there
Carlos: Alright Walks out but stops in the doorway*
Mal: A million thoughts in my head....

*Time skip*

Mal: How are you feeling?
Evie: I feel like there is a baby inside of me
Mal: That's something good
Evie: Yeah, I just hate it to get fat
Mal: Don't worry E after the baby is out your belly will be back to normal
Evie: I know, why does it have to take so long? I can't wait to have my own little one
Mal: I guess I got pretty lucky with that
Evie: You did
Carlos and Jay: Jump on the couch next to their girlfriends*
Mal and Evie: Scream*
Evie: You scared us!
Jay: That's the whole point Kisses Evie's cheek*
Mal: It wasn't funny either!
Jay: It was
Mal: No it wasn't
Carlos: It was kinda funny
Evie: It wasn't
Carlos: You sure about that?
Mal and Evie: Nod*
Carlos: Kisses Mal's Neck* Ow I'm sorry
Jay: Kisses Evie's neck* We really are
Evie: Giggles*
Mal: You ain't getting far with kissing me Mr. De Vil
Carlos: Smirks* Believe me I can Mrs. De Vil
Evie: When are we getting Married?
Jay: I don't know...haven't thought about that yet. We'll marry one day, I promise
Mal: Carlos stop
Carlos: Smiles against her skin* Why?
Mal: Carlos, I'm serious
Carlos: Alright alright Pulls away*
Jay: So...what's for diner?
Mal: I'm not making diner
Evie: Me neither
Jay: Why can't you two do it?
Carlos: Pouts*
Mal: I'm tired!
Evie: And I'm pregnant!
Jay: Ugh! Fine we'll make dinner
Carlos: But don't yell at us if it's burned!

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