Chapter 30

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Carlos: I can you not be sure
Evie: Doesn't make eye contact*
Carlos: Puts his finger under her chin and let them make eye contact* Who is it?
Evie: G-Gil
Carlos: How?
Evie: Moves her head away again* I don't want to talk about it
Carlos: Let their eyes meet again* Did he...
Evie: Nods* And now I am not sure
Carlos: How long?
Evie: A few weeks
Carlos: You have to tell Jay
Evie: No I don't! What am I going to do when it turns out the child isn't his? Huh? What am I going to do if Gil finds out?
Carlos: If he finds out?
Evie: Yeah?
Carlos: So he doesn't knows yet?
Evie: I don't think so
Carlos: Then why worry about him?
Evie: Uma knows remember! What if she tells him? What am I going to do then?
Carlos: We'll figure out something
Jay: Hey Carlos are you finished trying to steal my girlfriend?
Mal: Evie he's married remember?
Evie: We are just talking Walks out*
Carlos: Walks out too* 
Mal: Shaking her head at him* Not cool De Vil
Carlos: Picks up Mal* Aw why not? Are you jealous?
Mal: No
Jay: Are you sure? Your eyes say something else
Mal: I hate you
Jay: You too
Evie: Giggles*

With Uma, Harry and Gil
Harry: We should tell her
Gil: thing is for sure
Harry: And what might that be?
Gil: She's going to be pissed
Harry: Yeah, but see it on the bright side she didn't let us finish
Gil: Nods*
Harry: Okay now you are going to be a good boy and tell her Pushes him inside Uma's room*
Uma: Looks up* And what are you doing here?
Gil: I
Uma: Speak up!
Gil: Takes a deep breath* Uma I have to tell you something
Uma: It better be useful 
Gil: Mal and Carlos' child...uh...
Uma: Listen if you are going to tell me something I already know then you better leave
Gil: No no believe me you want to hear this!
Uma: How do you know what I want to hear?
Gil: You want revenge on Mal right?
Uma: Sighs* You are wasting my time! Walks away from Gil*
Gil: Not if I told you we can steal the baby!
Uma: Turns back to Gil* What? 
Gil: Mal got birth last night, the baby is healthy and at their home
Uma: That is...great! Now we can make a plan on getting my revenge Pats Gil on his back* Good boy!

With Mal and Melanie
Mal: Sings a lullaby* (The lullaby is the song If only. Just so you know)
Melanie: Slowly closes her eyes*
Mal: If only.... Kisses Melanie's head* Sleep well little nasty Lies her daughter down in her crib*
Carlos: Standing in the doorway*
Mal: Smiles at her daughter*
Carlos: Where did you learn that song?
Mal: Jumps*
Carlos: I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you
Mal: It's fine
Carlos: Warps his arms around her* So where did you learn it? Not on the Isle I bet
Mal: Giggles* No....uh I don't really know actually
Carlos: That's fine 
Mal: Okay then
Carlos: Are you going to sing for me too when I can't sleep
Mal: No you are not a baby
Carlos: For you I am
Mal: You are not
Carlos: Okay okay I'm not but you are my baby
Mal: Blushes dark red*
Doorbell Rings*
Melanie: Starts yo wake up again*
Mal: Picks her up*
Carlos: Rushes downstairs and opens the door*
Maleficent: Give me my daughter!
Carlos: How are you here?
Maleficent: Doesn't matter now where is my daughter
Carlos: Upstairs
Maleficent: About to walk inside*
Carlos: Pushes her back* Don't even think of it
Maleficent: Listen, I don't want to use my magic on you but....
Carlos: But nothing you are not coming inside 
Maleficent: I want to speak with my daughter!
Carlos: Can't she's busy
Maleficent: With what?
Carlos: That's non of your business
Maleficent: I just don't get what the hell she sees in you
Carlos: Something you will never understand
Mal: From upstairs*Who is it?
Carlos: Your mother!
Melanie: Starts to cry*
Maleficent: Who the hell is that?!
Carlos: Uh....that was uh...something outside
Maleficent: That sounded like crying
Carlos: No it wasn't

A/N: I know what you are thinking, "You are only publishing in the weekend!" Well not today! I just wanted to publish something today so enjoy the extra chapter!! Maybe I will do this more often but I'm not sure! Love you all!!

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