Chapter 78

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Mal: What are we going to do about my powers?
Carlos: Steal them back. They stole them from you and we will steal them back. Easy peasy
Mal: You promise?
Carlos: I promise, come here Pulls the Duvet over them* Everything will be okay
Mal: Lies her head on Carlos' chest* People always say that, but will it ever really be okay?
Carlos: What are you talking about?
Mal: We've been saying that for two or three years now, but we both know that's not true. We both know our lives will never be okay
Carlos: You're still worrying about your mom, aren't you?
Mal: Not just my mother
Carlos: Plays with her hair* Your father?
Mal: Sits up and looks at him* Carlos, for all we know, my mother has already teamed up with him
Carlos: Your mother? Teamed up with...whoever your father is? From what you've told me, she would rather kill him than team up with him
Mal: There is something going on there, I just know it
Carlos: Alright, I am cutting you off right here. I am not having a conversation like this again. Can we at least have one good night sleep? 
Mal: Plays with his hair* Fine Lies back down* Evil dreams
Carlos: Kisses her head and holds her tightly*Evil dreams
Dude: Lies down between them*

Evie: Looks at Mal and Carlos*
Jay: I'm sorry I can't give you that
Evie: What?
Jay: I'm sorry I can't give you what they have
Evie: You can, and I still want to have my happily ever after with you. It's just that you gave up on us
Jay: I didn't give up on us. I am just doing the most realistic thing
Evie: And what's that? Promising to marry me one day but a few months later you're leaving me with probably our baby?
Jay: If that keeps you safe
Evie: You really don't get it. do you? You keep me safe
Jay: Yeah sure, say that again while looking into my eyes and think of everything I ever did
Evie: Grabs his neck and looks into his eyes* You keep me safe, Jay
Jay: Things are different now
Evie: We can fix it, we always do
Jay: Not this time, Evie why can't you just see that?
Evie: Because...because...
Jay: Stops her from saying anything else* I get it
Evie: Because I still love you! Okay? I still love you
Jay: Your love is not real
Evie: It is, you were there when Doug broke up with me
Jay: Turns away from Evie* Doug was so much better for you
Evie: How can you say that? He didn't know me! You did and you still do
Jay: What if you don't know me as well as you think you do?
Evie: Can you stop? Puts her hands on his cheeks* 
Jay: Evie...
Evie: Kisses him*
Jay: Kisses her back*
Gil: Looks at them from behind the wall and sighs*

With Harry and Gaye
Harry: Come on, just a little further
Gaye: I don't know if I can, leave me
Harry: You do, come on, I am not leaving you behind
Gaye: Harry, you have to continue, you have nothing to me anyway
Harry: Listen to me, after everything we've just been through, I am not leaving you behind
Gaye: Harry...
Harry: I am not even thinking about it. come on
Gaye: Nods*

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