In The Morning

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A/N: Hey! Your favorite slow writer is bacccck! 😂 I don't know how many times I've said sorry for updating so long haha but still, I'm really sorry for taking so long 😭 Anyways! Enjoy this long ass imagine which is the second part of 'In The Club' and I didn't mean this to have smut but I got carried away hehe.

And also! We're on 18.9k reads/views already. Wow. You guys are amazing 😭 thank you so much for all the support ❤️

Hope you enjoy this one!

Summary: What's going to happen if you accidentally bump into Shawn Mendes a week after you ghosted on him? (Sequel to In The Club) (Based on Where Were You In The Morning by Shawn Mendes)

Warning: None except sorta bad smut 😅 (I'm sorry still not used to it really 😩)

Word Count: 8.5k


Shawn rolled over with a groan, covering his eyes as the sun was too bright for his liking, how on earth did he forget to close the blinds this time?

He felt goosebumps rose from his body as the cold air hit his skin, looking down to see himself butt naked and tangled in the sheets. He slowly sat up with his eyes tightly shut, rubbing his temples to at least try and soothe the pain that was pounding his head, his hangover now starting to take over him.

His eyebrows furrowed as he looked beside him to see an empty space, no sign of you whatsoever. He looked expectantly at the night table to at least see something, a piece of paper with your number perhaps, but much to his luck, there was nothing there.

His head started to throb even more as the memories from last night came crashing down like a wave. The way your body felt flushed against his still lingered on his skin, the way you were screaming his name, the way you were wrapped around him oh so tightly just clouded his mind, all of you clouded his mind and there is no way for him to stop it.

He quickly jumped out of bed, snatching a pair of sweatpants that was lying on the floor, not failing to notice that your clothes are no longer there as well.

She didn't leave, didn't she? Shawn thought to himself feeling nervous all of the sudden.

He first checked the bathrooms in case you were just washing up or something. When you weren't in any of them, he hurried his way to the living room to see Geoff just casually chilling on the sofa, eyes glued to his phone with an apple in his hand. He ignored him and looked in the kitchen, heart dropping when he saw no one there too.

He went back to the living room sighing deeply, Geoff finally noticing his presence. "Had fun last night?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "How did you get in? I was pretty sure I locked the door." Shawn asked, crossing both his arms over his chest.

"Well I came earlier today and was about to knock on the door when a lovely lady opened it. Then she hurried pass me and was gone leaving me there confused. So I just let myself in." He shrugged, taking a bite of his apple.

"I can't believe that she actually fucking left." Shawn grumbled, running a hand through his hair in agitation, feeling hurt, angry and disappointed. He really did thought you had something together and it wasn't just a one-time thing.

He was looking forward to seeing you beside him when he wakes up, with his arms wrap around your figure. Your soft breaths fanning over his neck as you're pressed close against him. He really thought the two of you had a moment, a connection and it wasn't just simple sex.

He just didn't expect to wake up to an empty bed because the two of you were even talking about breakfast for goodness sake, you made it seem like you connected, at least he felt like there was a connection.

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