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Fay woke up to hunger tying her stomach in a knot. Her only friend was gone, but she could do nothing but move on. Mohnster was sound asleep on his belly with hands tucked underneath the pillow that supported his head. He looked so peaceful as his back moved up and down in breathing motions, his hair loose from his usual ponytail style and spilling over his shoulders. She moved ever so gently so she didn't wake him. When she was got out of the room, the whole mansion was enveloped in silence, made sense, vampires slept during the day. She tracked her way back to the kitchen Bella had showed her earlier and her hunger grew stronger with each step she took to the kitchen. She got to the kitchen and stopped, a shirtless man with beautiful hair and a dragon tattoo on his back was finishing off a drumstick. They stared at each other a while and then her stomach broke the silence.

"Help yourself" he pointed to the fridge with the fleshy bone.
She walked to the fridge cautiously as he continued working the drumstick. Mohnster might have been nice, but she didn't let her guard down. She turned from him and retrieved ingredients for a Turkey sandwich and placed them on the marble counter.

"Ummm" she began and his head sprang up "could you help me with a knife?" She pointed to the knife on a counter way above her reach. He stood up coming at her like a walking mountain, his flip flops squeaking under him, making his approach less intimidating. Hand her the knife,  "anything else?"

"You want a sandwich?" His eyes lit up.

"Yes please"

"Then two plates"

She worked fast all the while he stood beside her, his whopping height of six feet seven dwarfing her five times over.

"Here" she presented the sandwich

"Thank you" he flip flop flip flop back to the chair he sat on earlier and parked it. He bit into the sandwich eagerly and moaned in delight.

"This is really good" he talked with a full mouth and he swallowed while she sat opposite him and ate slowly.

"Thank you" she said after her first swallow.

"You're Fay right?  I'm Rhage"

"Yes Rhage, I'm Fay" she didn't even bother picking and issue with the name.  "Do you have anger issues?"

"You could say that" queue in the long pause "My shellan is glad you're here"


"My wife" he helped her out of her confusion.

"And why is she happy?" She picked up his plate and Hers and walked over to the sink to have it washed.

"She's human, and-"

"You're married to a human?"

"Yes, my Mary is human, Dr Jane is human and the queen is half human"

"There's a queen?"  She mopped the plate

"Yes, and a king too" he walked over to replace the utensils and winced when he brought down his arm.

"Are you okay?" Concern flooded her

"My arm shoulder is fucked and no one is up to help me pop it back in" he explained rolling his shoulder.

"Can I help?" She offered and he arched an eyebrow.

"It'll be easy" she tapped a chair inviting him to sit "what could go wrong? "

"You know, every time they ask that in the movies, something always goes wrong"

"Okay, what's the worst that could happen?"

"That too"

"Would you just sit?"

"Fine" he sat "done this before?"

"No, but I know Judo and know how to fuck up a shoulder, so I'll just do it in reverse"

He looked at her "if my arm gets bad, I'm taking yours"

"imagine what that would look like" she laughed "alright, let's fix you"

"Just g-" he cursed as his bones crunched back into place.

"Better? "

"Damn it female, I underestimated you... You're stronger than you look" she giggled "how old are you again?" He asked from behind slit eyes.


"Wow, I thought 18"

"I don't look that small now, do I?"

"What's going on here" a man with wraparounds filled the door way.

"Hey Wrath" Rhage said

"Why is the human walking around like she owns the place?" She felt his eyes burn into her.

"I was hungry and I-"

"Silence"  Wrath thundered

"Aww!  Come on Wrath, you're scaring the kid" Rhage shielded her from Wrath's metal gaze. "She's completely harmless"

"I don't trust them" Wrath began to flare up

"Take it easy my brother" Rhage cooed

" I'll leave then"  a shaky voice came from behind Rhage

"Good". Wrath barked

"Come one, he’s not that-” he turned to her and placed comforting hands on her shoulders and leaned in like you would a crying kid.

“I wanna go home” her voice was stronger and more steady and Rhage was taken aback by the force at which she requested.
“Don’t you wanna see Mohnster first?”

“No” she barked and marched past Wrath and Rhage groaned.

“Look what you’ve done now” Rhage gestured towards the path Fay had taken and Wrath just stood there, as if taking in the drama that unfolded in front of him.

Fay didn’t wait for the vehicle to come to a complete halt before she flew out, and Fritz called behind “Goodbye Madam” .
She got to her apartment door and found it unlocked and as she came into her apartment, the memory of the stabbing hit her like a punch and she closed her eyes in defense.

“Butch I’m home” silence “Butch?” she searched her small apartment and she began to panic. There had been no one to watch Butch when she went to the hospital after her stabbing.  And then she looked down on her outfit and she wondered where she had gotten it. Damn her head ached and she couldn’t find Butch but then she decided to nap a bit as her head threatened to split open, she took some aspirin and hit her bed hard.
It wasn’t until sunset that Fay woke up and tossed around in her small bed. Where was her dog? Tears welled in her eyes, if it wasn’t for that damned bugler who had broken into her home and stabbed her, Butch would have still been with her. She was still in thought when a large man appeared in her room out of thin air.

“Who are you?” she shrieked

“Fay” he called

“Get out or I’m call the cops” she threatened. Why did he seem so familiar she thought and the mother of all migraines held her in a tight grip and she fell back with her hands on her head.

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