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This is a joint POV chapter.

“You’re sure they’ll be there” Wrath asked once more to confirm and Fay nodded fiercely.

“I just want to make up for all the trouble I caused”

“How many do you think will be there?” Zsadist asked darkly.

“A lot, there are a hell lot of them there, it’s an old motel”

Wrath rocked in his chair a little before…

“We hit them with everything we’ve got”

“We all go?” a tall woman with waist long hair asked.

“yes Payne” he replied

She was enveloped in mirth at the reply but the man with tattoos on his face looks like he didn’t like the idea that she’d be fighting.

“Are they expecting you?” Wrath asked again.

“yes, they expect me on the last Saturday of the month, shortly after dusk”
Wrath smiled a little. “Vishious” he called out

“My lord” tattoos answered.

“have her wired, it’ll be business as usual for them while they scan the place.

They were sending her as bait, Mohnster’s heart sank at this but the plan was coming together well. Tohr was to lead the attack and he would be the one to determine who was placed where and with whom. Quick in and out, no biggie until-

“I wanna fight too” flew out of Fay’s mouth and everyone went quiet and their eyes were fixed solidly on her.

“I know Judo and I’m great at throwing knives” she proceeded.

“I believe the kid” Rhage let out smiling, flashing his perfect fangs and rolling his shoulder, “I say we give her a fighting chance” He dug his elbow into Vishious’ side and he rolled his eyes while Fay giggled.

“no hollywood, no” Wrath shook his head

“well …my lord” Wrath cocked an eyebrow at this “ I think it was a good pun” Fay said making a little bow

“Thank you Fay” Rhage bowed his head a little.

“Oh yea, besties, why don’t you just start a knitting class together?” Zsadist mocked

“or sell us out together” Qhuinn added and Mohnster watched Fay’s face go ice cold.

“Hey at least I’m trying to fix it” she thundered sending Qhuinn hissing and she hissed back even louder baring her newly formed but very lethal fangs.

Damn he loved this female he thought. She flowed with his brothers and didn’t take any bullying, his heart leaped for joy as she smiled when Qhuinn surrendered.

“shame on you Qhuinn, hissing at a lady and loosing at it” Tohr began

“Ya man, not cool true?” V pitched him

“we raised you better man” Butch added
bully John signed smiling

“okay, alright” Wrath let out. “really Qhuinn, where are your manners?”

They all laughed. His brothers had accepted her as one of their own and he could just cry.
“Mohn, you cool with your girl being bait?” Wrath asked

His girl, yea, she was his.
MINE the bonded male in him steered.

“No harm will come to her, I swear to you” Tohr said.

“she is brave enough” Mohnster began “so why not?” he concluded smiling at her and she smiled back.

“ugh get a room” someone let out.

When Fay was settled up against Mohnster as they got ready to sleep, he said
“I know you can do it”

“I’m quite scared” she said into his chest and he brought her face up to him.

“no negative thoughts okay? First sign of danger and I’ll come in guns blazing".

She laughed slightly at the thought and he swallowed her smile in a kiss.
He pressed his lips on hers and she was lost in lust. He kissed her deeply, sweetly at first and then it was ignited with passion as he got atop her, covering her with his body.

“If I live, this had better continue” she said against his lips and he giggled. He kissed her lips once more and then trailed down to her neck and she gasped in pleasure, there was so not getting used to this. He took her lips with his once more as he undid the button on the shirt she wore. She had insisted on wearing clothes to bed even though she knew it killed him, he on the other hand always slept naked. He blazed a line down her chest cupping one breast and nursing at another and she arched her back, pushing her body into his and he groaned in agreement. She pushed him off of her and got on him.

“How about I take charge?”

Mohnster watched as his female got atop him and her sudden dominating nature made his cock pulse. She returned the favour of biting on his neck and groaned with his eyes shut. She kept kissing lower and lower until-
He hissed loudly when she stroked his shaft with her tongue and it was his turn to arch his back in pleasure. He wiggled his toes and grabbed hard on the bed sheet when she began worked the length of his cock. He moaned even louder when she placed delicious kisses on it and then took him in her mouth. His growl vibrated around the room as she sucked hard on him while she stroked with her hands, sending him into a frenzy-
“Oh Fay” he moaned her name in his heavy accent and then his orgasm rocked the shit out of him.

“How was that?” she asked innocently staring at him, dull lighting once again making her appear bronze.
“Perfect” he almost whispered and she smiled coming up to his lips and kissing him, biting slightly on his lower lip and dragging another groan out of him. She eased herself on his cock and the feel of her wet sex on him almost had him coming again. He moaned again with his eyes closed.
“Take me” he heard her say and he opened his eyes to meet her exposed jugular and his fangs elongated.

“” she said as she rode senses out of him “ Don’t. make. Me. Beg” she didn’t have to tell him twice and when he stroke, she moaned out her orgasm and he felt her sex clench around his cock, making her even wetter and she began to slow down. With as he fed from her, he took charged of the pumps and pounded into her as he held her close to himself. Her moaning and the way she held unto him as her blood powered him sent him wilder and his bonding scent roared in the air as they both orgasmed. He quickly licked her neck shut while he cradled her against his broad chest, their hearts beating together in unison.

“I love you” he let out. He couldn’t hide it anymore.

“Oh Mohnster” she kissed him and then she sniffed. “what’s that scent?” she sniffed harder raising herself from him “It smells divine”

“It’s my bonding scent”


“I’ve bonded with you”

“I still don’t understand”

“it means…” he sat up, his cock still in her “I would do anything for you, even if it means freezing hell over” he kissed her again and felt his cock harden as she began to swirl her hips once more, he rolled her over so he could repay her kind gesture. This was going to be one night he wouldn’t be forgetting so soon.

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