Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Karin woke up on Torshiro who was still sleeping. She looked to check the clock that read, 7:30. Grumbling she tapped Torshiro trying to wake him up. He woke up groggily,

"What time is it?" he asked. Karin got off him and went to change.

"It's 7:30" she responded. Torshiro sat up and went to grab some clothes to change into. Karin changed into a blue dress and Torshiro changed into a matching jacket and pants with a white undershirt. They both left the room. Karin leaded Torshiro to the king's office. When they walked in they saw papers all around. Karin and Torshiro's eyes were wide. She sighed, "Torshiro you can go to the dining hall if you want, this is going to take a while" she told him. He smiled and grabbed her waist.

"What type of man would I be if I let my wife do all the work" he teased, "besides, I think I'll understand this stuff better than you will, since it should be similar to the work I have in my office" he explained.

"Okay if you insest" Karin agreed. They both took a pile of work and started on them. They made it so Karin would organize the paper while Torshiro read and signed off things Karin okayed. They got through ¾ of the office before Ichigo came in. He was surprised to see the two working together and that his office was no longer flooded with paper like it was. Torshiro was sitting behind the desk, while Karin was standing beside him handing him papers that she would say decline or accept to. They looked up at Ichigo as he came in.

"Morning" they both greeted.

"Morning, how long have you been working on this?" Ichigo asked. Karin looked at Torshiro as the two exchanged looks, Toshiro mouthed her something and she nodded. She looked back to Ichigo smiling and laughing.

"Un important" she told him.

"Anyways, thank you for helping me out." Ichigo said. This time it was Torshiro speaking,

"It's not a problem, I know if Karin had a miscarriage, or stillborn I would want to beside her, and with this you can be beside your wife, Rukia" Ichigo smiled at Torshiro understanding that he would like the same courtesy if it happened to them. Ichigo nodded at Torshiro as the younger male got up from his seat and came from out from behind the desk. Karin had set her papers down and followed behind Torshiro. "Now if you would excuse us, I think it's time me and Karin went and got some breakfast." Ichigo nodded, and sat down in the desk chair

"Okay, thank again" he said watching them leave. Rukia came in the room a few minutes after they had left. She was holding her stomach. She took Ichigo by surprise, when he saw her he jumped up going over to her and sat her down on the couch in the office. "Rukia what are you doing here? Your suppose to be in bed" Ichigo said.

"I heard that you got behind on your work and wanted to help, and that Karin is here with her husband. I saw them in the hallway going down stairs. Karin she seems different. Happier, more loving, caring, girly, and loyal. She's in love" Rukia told her husband. Ichigo nodded in agreement.

"I spoke to them last night and told them everything I picked up that too. She's a queen now, more grown up than Yuzu, and knows where her loyalty should lie. They were just in here they had done some of the paper work for me, so that I could be with you. Torshiro said that if Karin had something like this happen to her he would like to have the same courtesy to him, so he can spend all his time supporting her" Ichigo answered.

"So do you regret having her marry him now?" Rukia asked. Ichigo shook his head.

"After seeing them last night I was still doubting it, but just now seeing how much they carried for each other. It wiped away my last regret. I think that it was fate that allow us to put them together. That they were meant to be." The two fell into a comfortable silence .

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