Arrangements Starts

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Chapter 2

Torshiro's family went back to their kingdom. Their people were delighted they were back safe and sound. As Torshiro grew he got to meet more people and became interested in several things. Thanks to Karin he was now interested in swords and as a family tradition his dad had a battle sword made for the young prince. It had gems on it's handle that were turquoise. Its case that held it had a chinese dragon gripping the handle of the sword. The smith who made it said that they infused a old dragon that uses to guard the kingdom before it died. The dragon's name was Hyorinmaru which the Kingdom was named after. Torshiro gratefully accepted the sword and displayed it in his room. One day Torshiro met his cousin Momo, she was airhead and childish and always called him Tosh even though he hated that name, but he grew to love her even though she was already engaged to a old time soldiers that had already retired named Aizen. Torshiro had met this Aizen a couple different times and every time he had met him, he always was cold. Even with Momo, it seemed odd to Torshiro that he wanted to Marry her, but just brushed it aside and forgot about it. Meanwhile, Torshiro was thinking about Momo he forgot all about Karin.

All a sudden his dad got sick and past away and his heart broken Mom shortly after when Torshiro was 16. Inheriting the kingdom from his dad a few days after their passing and morning time was over. He was declared King. Torshiro served as a lone king for two years before the kingdom started to get upset. He was now 18. He heard a knock on the door as he worked in his office

"Come in.." his voice was tired, but sturn. A strawberry blond walked in. "What do you want Rangiku." He asked the head of the servants walked over to Torshiro and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Torshiro, you need some rest... also we need to talk about something.." she finished. Rangiku had been his main caregiver after his mom since he was born, but when he no longer needed one she was promoted to head of the servants since the previous one retired a little before. Her family had been serving the Hitsugaya's for generations.

"What is it, I'll rest later" he replied gruffly. Sighing she decided to carry on.

"You're now a king, but a good king always has a queen by his side to keep him straight. That's what you need." she told him. Torshiro looked at her shocked before shaking his head.

"Where am I going to find a queen for me, I never go out of the castle and the only other girls I have met beside you and the servants is Momo and she is now already married!" he answered.

"That's actually not true.... When you were about 12 your dad and mom took you to the Kingdom Wolfden and there you met twins, one which you got along extremely well with. Seeing this your dad arranged a marriage between you two. Now it is your job to carry through with this and unite the kingdoms" she explained. Torshiro was stunned at the news.

"He would never! He said he wanted me to find my own love!" he argued not liking the idea of getting married to someone he had only met once and a princesses no less she probably was the most girly girly he would ever meet!

Wolfden Palace

"Karin!" servants called trying to find the older of the two 16 princesses. She sneaked around the corner with her fake sword running out of the palace through the back door and into the palaces wooded area. It was a common place she would go when trying to get away. She smirked as she watched the servants realize where she was heading. The newer ones broke down into tears scared that the king would be mad at them for losing her once again. Little did they know King Isshin and Prince Ichigo where watching her run to the wood through the office window on the second floor.

"That Karin! She's always running off and is not near as lady like as Yuzu!" Ichigo said. Not actually caring as he was her older brother, but as a prince he couldn't stand it since she was a princess and was one of the faces of their Kingdom. Isshin trying to act as a king at the moment looked down at the letter he had gotten from King Torshiro two years ago telling him about his parents passing and the contract he had made with Torshiro's dad about the arranged marriage gruffled.

"I agree, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to set up the arrange marriage with Karin, instead we should've done it with Yuzu, but Jurshiro never would've accepted it then since he didn't get along with her" Isshin said deep in thought. "Doesn't matter now! Jurshiro has passed and Torshiro has been king for 2 years and his kingdom his starting to fall apart without a queen. It was the same way for Jurshiro. I think it's time that we remind him of the arrange marriage now that Karin is 16." Isshin said

"But can we really send Karin?" Ichigo asked.

"She knows her duty and when it comes down to it, she knows it will help her people and you and I both know she has a special place for all of are people especially the children" Isshin replied. Before writing a letter to send to Torshiro. Bring up the arrange marriage and wanting to help his kingdom become stable again. In the letter he included a second copy of the contract made by him and Torshiro's father, Jurshiro the previous king. Sending it with a servant to get it to him as fast as they could. He went back to the window to stand next to his son. "But before we send Karin to get married, we need you to get married and take over the throne."

"What! But you're still healthy enough to rule!" Ichigo protested.

"I am, but it doesn't mean I should. I would also like to keep the tradition of marrying off the oldest to the youngest, so you have to before Karin does, it's tradition." Isshin argued.

"If that's what you want, but who?" Ichigo asked.

"There is a kingdom a little bit to the east that is famous for their cherry blossoms. Its called the kingdom of Senbonzakura. It was already handed over to the prince now king, but he has a younger sister that needs to be married and that I have already sent a letter making arrangement. Of her becoming your potential wife. Her name Princess Rukia Kuchiki. Do you understand Ichigo?" Isshin asked.

"Yes father" Ichigo answered both of them being completely serious. Next thing Ichigo knew he was being slapped on the back by Isshin laughing.

"Now that's enough of that, I'm tired of being serious. Let's go and tease the servants" Isshin said skipping out of the office with his fishing pole with a dirty rag at the end. Ichigo sighed as he watched her dad leave the office speechless.

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