Chapter 1 "The Deal"

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This story takes place in medieval time were dragons and mythical creatures are around, kings, queens, princesses, princes, and dukes are still popular and when arranged marriage was still big.

Also I plan on making Torshiro just a few years older than Karin and Yuzu.

Let us begin

Once upon a time there was a kingdom that lived peacefully. They loved their king and his wife the queen and adored the young princes. The prince's name was Torshiro, he had white hair taken after his dad and amazing teal eyes. The young princes was extremely polite and did everything he was told. When he was around 12 years old his dad started to have him listen in on the audiences that he held with other kingdoms and people of his own kingdom.

One day a man that was tall and skinny with a young man probably around 17 came in the boy had bright orange hair. The man was Isshin the king of Wolfden and his son the crown prince Ichigo. The Torshiro's father Jūshirō welcomed them with joy since Isshin and the king had been friends since they where young children themselves.

"Isshin, my friend! What the occasion that you visit me in my kingdom?" Jushiro asked.

"You see today I am here on business,"Isshin answered.

"Oh, and whats this business you have here?"

"You see, my wife has born two beautiful twin baby girls and they have now reached the age 10, so I have to start thinking about their future and with your son being 12 and my daughters being 10 and with being so close, I got to thinking what if one of my daughters married Torshiro to unite the kingdoms. It would make a alliances that couldn't ever be broken as long as they live since my people adore my daughters and your people adore Torshiro," Isshin explained. Torshiro dad looked at isshin thinking.

"My friends, I would like to, but I want Torshiro to pick his own wife, I don't want to spoil his chance at finding his own way with a loyal wife too..." Jurshiro answered.

"I understand, in that case, I propose Torshiro comes and meets my daughters, and if he likes one he can marry that one." Isshin told him. Jurshiro thought before nodding.

"I agree he's still picking his own bride with just a little push in the right direction." The king answered. From their arrangements were made for the king's family to make the journey with Isshin back to his own kingdom. They left a week after the exchange with Ichigo and Isshin in the lead. They all talked about interesting things, but for the most part Torshiro was quiet. He didn't understand everything but he knew this would probably change his future.

The family arrived at the Kingdom Wolfden, they pulled up the the palace and were greeted by several servants. Isshin exited the carriage first and then Ichigo, Torshiro's father Jurshiro, Torshiro, and then finally his mom. They are all lead into the castle to the sewing room where Isshin wife and 10 year old daughters were. Yuzu the younger twin had blond hair and wore a pink dress was sitting in a chair next to her mother doing a craft with her, while Karin the older twin with black hair was wearing shorts and a T-shirt and was playing on the ground with some of Ichigo's old toys. Ichigo went over to Karin and held out a hand to her to get her to stand up and face the King Jurshiro and the Princes Torshiro.

"Jurshiro , Torshiro, theses are my daughters Karin, and Yuzu," Isshin introduced the two pointing to them when he said their name. Yuzu curtseyed and Karin just waved with her free hand. Torshiro watched the two girls not sure what to do and looked up to his father.

"Why don't you go play while the adults talk," his father said. Torshiro nodded before going back to watching them.

"Why don't we go outside?" Ichigo suggested. Karin smiled and nodded before following her brother outside. Torshiro looked at Yuzu who wasn't moving before shrugging and heading out too. Isshin watched Yuzu, figuring out who Torshiro would probably pick.

"Yuzu go on," he said trying to encourage her. She slowly walked outside and sat at the table as Karin and Ichigo played sword fight. Torshiro was smiling as he watched them. Ichigo stopped the battle between him and Karin and ran over to Torshiro and handed him the fake sword.

"Here! You try," he told the younger prince. Torshiro took the sword hesitantly before standing across from Karin and holding the sword out. Karin did the same before they started the mock fight. Of course Torshiro won, but Karin never stopped grinning as they exchanged blows. After fighting for a while they got tired and went to the kitchen. Karin went to her favorite servant called Orihime. Tugging on her apron to get her attention. Orihime looked down to Karin.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Can you bring out lemonda for me, Yuzu, Ichigo, and Prince Torshiro?" Karin asked.Smiling Orihime nodded to her. Karin went back outside to the group.

Torshiro's parents and Karin parents both watched the two. Isshin and Jurshiro look at each other before walking to the office of Isshin and writing a contract.

"I think Torshiro has chosen, he doesn't take a interest in Yuzu, but I think he does for Karin," Jurshior says. Isshin nodded.

"Indeed it does seem so, but that make sense you yourself have taught him to get a wife that won't idly sit by and watch something but instead act. Which is exactly how Karin is. That might what peaks his interest. Either way, shall we make it official?" he asked. Jurshiro sat silent for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, I'm sure Torshiro will eventually want to marry her," Jurshiro answered signing the paper. The two men walked back to see Karin down her lemonade and walking over to Torshiro to tug slightly on his shirt. Torshirso looked down at her wonder what she wanted.

"Do you want to see the Tree house?" Karin asked Torshiro. Torshiro became interested and nodded putting down his lemonade.

"Sure," he agreed. As the two walked to the tree house Karin talked about a lot of things. Usually Torshiro would've been annoyed by someone doing this, but with Karin he wasn't. This alone peaked Torshiro interested even his cousin Momo annoyed him with talking all the time. All Torshiro did was listen as they got to the tree house. Karin climbed up with Torshiro behind her. Karin sat down at a smile table her dad had put up their for her and her sister as Torshiro looked around it. They both exchanged a few more conversations before they were called back to the palace. They both ran back to meet their parents and follow them inside. Jurshiro and Isshin smiled at the two before heading into the palace to eat dinned. As they all sat down. Ichigo and Torshiro sitting next to each other and the girls sitting next to each other with their parents on the opposite end of the table. Isshin raised his just filled glass up,

"To the future reunion of our families?" Everyone did the same and repeated him. Both families ate dinner making small talk in between the appetizers, soups, dinner, and desserts. After the meal the servants showed Jurshiro and his wife and son to their rooms. Torshiro got his own room across the hall from his mom and dad. The house went silent for the night and the next day the family started their trip back to their own kingdom.


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Thank you to everyone who follows and reviews my story!

I plan on uploading Chapter 2 next Friday!!!

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