A Witch's Curse

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Capricorn POV

Cassie waved us further into the woods. At the moment, she sat criss-cross on my shoulder. Sarah was holding onto Bobby's back. Devan flew up ahead and scouted out for fairy territory. It had been a few hours, but Cassie kept promising that we were getting closer. I had given up believing it. This friend of hers didn't sound like she trusted Cassie. Cassie didn't sound like she trusted her friend.

Cassie was a bit hard to figure out. She had this resting bitch face going on. When she spoke, she did it hard and cold. She seemed to be an emotionless bitch, but the way she always surrounded Sarah made me think differently. Something told me that Cassie was more approachable the more you knew her.

"Keep walking in this direction," she told me, grabbing onto my hair as we approached a rockier part of the forest. "I'll know it when I see it."

Sarah, on the other hand, was very different. She never seemed to shut up. She laughed so often and so sincerely that I wondered if she ever stopped. She seemed especially excited to be on this journey, even though she was kidnapped to get here.

"Don't worry, Cass," Sarah assured her, along with the rest of us, "We're gonna get there soon."

Bobby nodded along to what she said after that. She spoke of sea life and her friends. Bobby was a good listener. He spoke a bit slowly, but he had a bit of a high voice. He always made sure he understood everything before he responded, I thought. Maybe he didn't want to see dumb? That's how I feel next to Virgo.

"So your parents committed suicide together?" Bobby asked her, slightly confused at the idea.

"Yeah," Sarah replied with a shrug. "But oddly enough, they weren't even suicidal. They had come to this place as kids and knew how to become a mermaid. They thought they'd enjoyed it more than the other world. Actually, I think Leo knew them."

"Really?" Devan asked, flying back. "That's so rad!"

Devan was something different all together. She was really fun. She had a soft voice but a mischievous smile. She would be a perfect red herring to kidnap children. I know Gemini was. But despite all that she was probably wiser and sadder than the rest of us.

"Did they know Gemini too? Or Andy?" Devan asked excitedly.

Sarah giggled. "I think Gemini was away on an, uh, business adventure."

"A What?" I asked. Everyone seemed to understand what that meant except for me.

"When we have a lack of witches in the forest, we pay fae to kidnap some so that pixies can bite them," Devan explained. "Pixies are also payed."

"That's extremely greedy," I said, realizing that this place was as fucked up as my own home.

Cassie didn't look proud, but she did look annoyed. "We need witches. Without them, the fabric of this place falls apart and we merge with your world."


We walked on a bit longer. Nobody wanted to break the awkward silence after that. There was no balance of right and wrong in this place. There was just you, and the thing that could be your ruin.

"Here," Cassie said suddenly. I looked up to see absolutely nothing.

"Where?" I asked curtly.

"It's a glamour. Devan, find the doorknob. It should be right in front of Bobby," Cassie informed her.

Devan flitted around, attempting to find the knob. She finally crashed into it, and was caught by Bobby. Using his other hand, Bobby grabbed the doorknob and turned it open. He pulled it. He looked at me and I shrugged in return. Together, we all walked inside.

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