The Flight

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Hermione and Ron listened with expressions of mild excitement and doubt to Harry's theory on the Gryffindor related Horcrux. He talked fast and with little degree of fluidity, describing the discovery of the Gryffindor Shield counter curse and the subsequent train of thought which led to this point. Harry glanced up a few times at Hermione, whose eyes seemed laden with the same fear he had seen the night at Godric's Hollow and he knew she was less comprehending his ideas than wondering what an easy target he was making himself travelling alone all over the country.

When he finished they both sat in contemplation for a few moments. This infuriated Harry, who had expected a torrent of positive enthusiasm for his plan and congratulations for being so astute. This sort of response, however, was not forthcoming and later Harry wondered at his initial surprise. After all, he remembered, they hadn't been supportive of his suspicions against Malfoy last year, and he had been proven right on that occasion. It was one on those 'I told you so' moments that Harry was saving to bring up in just the right argument.

'I'm not sure about this, Harry,' said Hermione, speaking first.

'What isn't there to be sure about?' he retorted.

'Well – it's a bit vague, isn't it?' she said. 'I mean, his Uncle's ring – family connection; Slytherin's locket – family heirloom. These are trophies Voldemort would value. What makes you so sure – and don't jump down my throat at this, I'm just asking – that this is the Gryffindor trophy that Voldemort would value?'

'I wish you'd say You-Know-Who,' mumbled Ron. 'His name makes me queasy.'

'Oh Ron, just get over it!' said Hermione. 'He's our enemy now. Our personal enemy. I think we can drop the whole You-Know-Who malarkey. Me and Harry have and you should too.'

'Well, that's you and Harry, isn't it? I mean -'

'You mean what?' said Hermione.

'I mean that Harry's Harry, Chosen Boy Wonder and all that, and you – well, most powerful witch around for our age. What have I got against You-Know-Who compared to that?'

Hermione seemed satisfactorily flattered in spite of herself. Harry, though, was mutinous.

'So I take it that I can't count on your help then?' Harry said, riled.

'Well, it's not that, its just -'

'Oh I think it's just that,' said Harry, his voice continuing to rise. 'This is why I don't want you with me. All logic – logic and indecision. I don't need second guesses, I need to go for everything possible. I don't care if I have to destroy a hundred objects and ninety-nine of them are innocent so long as I get at least one Horcrux. If that's too much like hard work for you then fine, leave me to it. Go back to walking around like a couple of lovesick kids while I'm out saving your necks – again!'

Harry made to storm off but Hermione grabbed his arm. This was not a great idea.

'Get off me, Hermione!' Harry shouted. 'If you don't want to help me then just get away from me. Leave me alone.'

Hermione looked close to tears and Ron looked a mix of shocked at Harry's behaviour and angry at the way he'd treated Hermione. Harry thought about taunting Ron but settled for giving him a hard stare before yanking free of Hermione's grip and storming into the garden.

Harry was too infuriated to think any more about his plan. Instead he leapt over the stile separating the Burrow garden and the big field where they played Quidditch and stormed around in the yellowing grass. He took his frustrations out on a colony of gnomes he stumbled over, taking each of the squealing little men in turn and spinning them around him like a hammer-thrower before sending them sailing into the air. He looked towards the Burrow several times and saw Hermione watching each time. She's probably looking to make sure no rogue Death Eaters come and get me, Harry thought bitterly. He tossed his latest gnome further than any of the others before storming up the field and out of sight of the house.

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