A Royal Return

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Harry, as hot-headed as always, wanted to race off to the cave right away. It took Hermione, reprising her role as the voice of reason, to point out to him that whilst they had the outline of a plan the fine details needed to be addressed, namely mastering the complex spells they currently had no idea how to perform. Reluctantly, Harry shelved his frustration and set to the task of working out the next steps.

The first move was to return to Hogwarts and hit the books. If they were going to learn these new charms then there was no better place to be. Hermione was at her happiest with a tottering pile of dusty tomes for company and even Ron was bright and cheerful. Harry half thought it was maybe the chance of investigating possibilities with Luna as much as Horcrux-hunting, but it was more likely the easy access to food from the school kitchens.

"I do miss this," said Ron one afternoon, after being delivered a tray of pastries and tea cakes from the house-elves. "Say what you like about the place, but they always know how to keep us fed."

"Do I need to remind you this is based on slavery?" said Hermione crossly, peering over the rim of Friendly Fire - Turn Burns to Tickles.

"It's not slavery," Ron protested. "They like serving us."

"What!" Hermione thundered, slamming her book closed.

"Hermione, don't start," said Harry quickly.

"Oh don't tell me, you're taking his side in this!" she shrieked back.

"I'm not taking sides," said Harry. "You know I think you're right, but Ron's not wholly wrong either. In any case, we have enough battles to fight at the moment. Cant you just focus on one war at a time?"

"I can't believe you sometimes, Harry," Hermione fumed back. "You're supposed to be the Chosen One - Champion for all!"

"I didn't call myself that," he said simply. "And I'm trying to save everyone as best I can, and thats by having eyes for just one enemy right now."

"Well maybe that's too short sighted!" she cried.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh forget it," said said angrily. She gathered up her things.

"Where are you going?" asked Harry.

"Anywhere that's away from you two and your pig heads!"

And with that she stormed out of the Common Room, where they had been studying.

"Now what the hell was that all about?" asked Ron.

"Your guess is as good as mine," said Harry. "She's been a bit snappy for a few days."

"Women, eh?" said Ron. "Maybe we'll never work them out."

"Speaking of which," said Harry, grinning mischievously. "What were you working out with Luna yesterday? I saw you walking her back to the castle from the Herbology greenhouses. Looked very cosy!"

"Oh, well yeah," said Ron. "I went to see Hagrid, you know. Thought you and Hermione could do with some alone time. Maybe thats why she's been so miserable! Anyway, I just saw Luna walking back on her own after her class so I thought I'd go to keep her company. And you know what, Harry, you were right."

"I was? That makes a change. Er - about what?"

"She's really quite pretty, isnt she? Luna, I mean. I never really saw it before. And I've always had a thing for blondes."

"Ron, mate, you've always had a thing for any girl whose nose was central," Harry laughed. "Unless you've had a secret crush on Malfoy all these years!"

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