The Battle of Little Hangleton

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Harry couldn't remember being so frightened. It consumed him, robbed him of the ability for cognitive thought. He paced around, borderline frantic, trying to plead his case.

But Hermione was having none of it.

"I don't want you there," Harry said. He had said it a number of times already.

"I don't want you there," she replied stubbornly.

"But I have to be there."

"Then so do I."

The argument was pointless. It had no solution that either party would like. Voldemort had dangled his hand in front of them. Harry was about to go and bite it and Hermione was going to be at his side fighting from the front. She wouldn't have it any other way. But the danger was immense and Harry couldn't think straight for the danger.

"Just promise me you wont take any unnecessary risks," Harry pleaded.

Hermione looked at him shrewdly. "Fine. I can promise you that. But if the risk is necessary then I'll be taking it."

Harry was nonplussed. "Don't be funny. This is serious."

Hermione stopped her preparations and crossed the room to him. She took his face in her hands and he nuzzled into her touch.

"I know how serious this is, that's why we're doing it. But no-one is going to be in more danger than you. And if you think I'm just going to sit here and stand for it then you've got me all wrong, dear."

She kissed him softly. Harry ached at the lingering sensation.

"I just don't like this at all," said Harry. "We don't even have a proper plan."

Hermione grinned at him. "When have we ever had a plan? We always tend to fly by the seats of our pants and hope for the best. Its the unpredictability that makes us dangerous."

"Only to ourselves," said Harry darkly. He didn't think this was the time for jokes.

Hermione sensed his anxiety. She took his hands again. "Listen, Snape and Lupin and McGonagall are meeting with the Auror Heads as we speak. By the time we leave tonight they'll know what to do. We have to trust them."

"The only person I trust is you," said Harry. He leaned in and kissed her. She returned his kiss before snaking her arms around his neck. Harry folded into her embrace.

Suddenly, the fireplace erupted in green flames. The stark living room of 12 Grimmauld Place was thrust into eerie emerald relief. Ron fell out of the flames and hurried to the quickly.

"What the hell? I've just come from the Ministry. Dad tells me you're going after You-Know-Who tonight. Is it true?"

Harry nodded.

"Blimey," said Ron, his voice awestruck. "Are you scared?"

"Bloody terrified, mate," said Harry. "Don't suppose you'd be able to convince Hermione not to come along?"

Ron stared at Hermione. "You're going too?"

"Yes," Hermione replied simply. "And if you even attempt a word of complaint I'll cast a Tongue-Tying Curse on you so powerful you'll never fully get rid of the knots."

Ron opened his mouth, then closed it again quickly. Harry shook his head at him.

"Thanks for the support."

"Well, you heard her," Ron argued fairly. "Would you mess with her after that?"

Harry looked at Hermione. He chanced a small smile. "Well, no. Probably not."

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