Teachers and Traitors

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Hermione had been gone for over half an hour. She had told Harry to wait in the living room while she prepared her 'classroom' upstairs. Harry wasn't sure what this meant but he was sure that he'd never been more frightened, or excited, in his life. He paced the room, sat down feeling sick, played with his hair, felt afraid of his drunkenness turning into a hangover in the morning, and paced some more. When he thought he could take no more of his own thoughts a note zoomed out of the fire and hit him in the head.

'Harry, come here,' it said simply in Hermione's writing. The paper, Harry noticed, was oddly scented and coloured. It did little to ease his nerves.

Harry climbed the stairs as slowly as his jelly legs would allow him. His heart was pumping hard as he stopped outside the only door with light around it. The rest of the corridor was completely dark. Harry knocked and waited until Hermione called back to him to come in. The room was lit by few candles, which cast flickering and insubstantial light around the walls. At the centre was the king sized bed that took up most of the floor and was now surrounded by several more candles and covered in petals that Harry suspected might have been stolen from the wedding. Hermione was leaning seductively against the end of the huge four-poster and Harry gasped at what she was wearing – a silver silk negligee with thin straps and a low cut. Harry felt his mind overload.

'Harry, come here,' said Hermione quietly. She sounded as unlike herself as Harry could ever imagine she was able. She beckoned him by slowly bending her index finger and Harry, as though commanded by an invisible power, obeyed. He reached Hermione, his eyes darting and flickering over every inch of what he was fully appreciating was a very sexy frame.

'Do you like my new nightie?' she said, the innocence of her words baffling Harry, whose hormones were fast replacing his fear.

'Where did you get it?' he asked.

'Madam Malkins has a special mail-order service just for girls,' said Hermione. 'You haven't answered my question, though.'

'I love it,' said Harry, his eyes still in constant transit.

'I'll get you one, if you like,' Hermione joked.

'Mmm,' said Harry. 'I've never seen you wear anything like this.'

'Oh yeah, like you would have!' Hermione exclaimed. 'I'm sure this would have looked great around the Common Room or at the Burrow.'

'I would have liked it,' said Harry.'

'That's why I bought it,' said Hermione. 'For the right occasion when I'd want you to like it.'

'A-and that's now?'

'Uh-huh,' said Hermione. 'If you want to, of course.'

'I'm yours,' said Harry. 'You're my teacher; I want to be your pet.'

Hermione smiled. 'Then let's go to class.'

Harry allowed Hermione to slip her hands around his neck and untie his cloak before letting it slip to the floor. His dress robes came next, the clasps at his neck slowly unhooked before joining his cloak on the other side of the room leaving him standing in just his underwear. He saw Hermione swallow deeply before running her hands uncertainly over his chest. It was at this time that he realised this was probably the first time she'd ever done anything like this either and was likely as nervous and unsure as he was.

As such they led each other to the rose-scented bed and helped each other down. The kissed softly and gently and for the first time Harry ran his hands over Hermione's curves. She trembled at each little touch and little gasps escaped her lips in between kisses. Harry, for his part, was trying to suppress such noises himself, which wasn't easy as Hermione's dainty fingers were sending shockwaves through him the likes of which he didn't even know existed.

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