No Work, No Play

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The Hogwarts library was never the most welcoming of places during term time. Chilly and serene with an air of stillness created by the prowling Madam Pince, the place was usually about as much fun as History of Magic. But there was something different about it in these circumstances. Harry was starting to appreciate the veritable mine of knowledge and information here, all of which was available without having to worry about the strict Librarian screeching at you for bending the pages of an ancient book.

Harry and Hermione had been sat there for several hours. Dobby had been overjoyed to learn that Harry had come to Hogwarts for the day and he and the other house elves bustled about to and fro bringing them everything they could want. They brought a tray of coffee, pumpkin juice and a plate of sweet cakes barely ten minutes after they had arrived. Though Hermione looked shocked and pityingly at the elves (Harry thought he could see the words SPEW etched across her eyes) she found that either she fancied a cup of coffee or all the research they had to do demanded it and so she accepted their service. They, to an elf, bowed to the floor when they left, some so shocked that Hermione had said 'thank you' that they squeaked loudly and banged their long snouts against the hard floor.

Hermione only complained about the elf-enslavement for a few minutes, much to Harry's relief. The thought of her getting distracted and using the extra library time to look up new ways of freeing house-elves would, Harry decided, be a colossal waste of time. It wasn't long, however, before Hermione turned back to her task and had so many books tottering in front of her that Harry could only just see her eyes. She seemed to think being in the library without Madam Pince was wrong and chastised Harry for using a Summoning Charm to pull books down from a shelf.

'Harry, that is so irresponsible,' she hissed as Wizarding Archaeology flew down from the fourth shelf behind them, nudging the two books either side precariously to the edge of the shelf.

'Oh, relax. Hermione,' said Harry. 'You're too wound up in here. You should try it, you might find it quite liberating.'

'Ho ho, very funny.'

'Who's joking? Go on, I dare you.'

A cheeky sort of grin crept into the corners of Hermione's eyes, a look Harry had found strangely disarming several times recently. She seemed to be debating it, much as though someone was considering how naughty it would be to have a second cream cake. Slowly, as though a fierce battle were raging in her mind, she drew her wand and pointed it.

'Accio Hogwarts: A History!'

The book flew to her, much more cleanly, Harry noticed, than his had. Hermione looked around guiltily as though expecting to be rapped around the head by a lurking Madam Pince at any moment.

'Do I have to remind you - again - that you can't Apparate inside the walls of Hogwarts?' Harry said sardonically. 'If you'd read that book you'd know that.'

Hermione took a swipe at Harry with the heavy book and he backed away in his chair to avoid it. She had another go; Harry chuckling at her efforts must have incensed her. She giggled as he dodged another blow then backed away as the book came back at him. The problem was he'd forgotten that he was already leaning his chair back onto two legs. As he swerved to avoid Hermione's attempt to clobber him the chair toppled back and Harry hit the floor. Hermione's giggles stopped immediately.

'Oh Harry!' Hermione yelped. 'I'm so sorry! I didn't mean that!'

Harry barely heard her. He was too busy laughing. 'That's what I get for making fun of you, I suppose. Help me up, will you?'

Harry grabbed Hermione's outstretched hand and she pulled him to his feet. The momentum carried him right up to her face and he caught his balance just before he hit her. They stood stock still for a couple of seconds and in that time Harry experienced two of the most bizarre and unsettling experiences of his life. They both happened in a fraction of a second when he caught Hermione's eye. The first was a chill, a nerve-jangling shiver, which shot through every part of his body and tickled his skin. The second was an electric charge which ignited along his old scar. It was this feeling which unsettled him the most as it was the only time he'd felt anything there apart from the burning pain associated with Lord Voldemort.

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