Horcrux Number Four

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Harry awoke the next morning to find Hermione's bed empty. Neither had fancied the idea of sleeping in the bedrooms, cold and draughty despite the summer weather. Instead, Hermione did a clever piece of magic to move two of the mattresses into the living room and enchanted them to add a little more fluffiness to them. She seemed to love her alterations but after Harry was enveloped by his mattress he asked Hermione to give him something a little more sensible to sleep on.

They had stayed up late into the night, talking mostly about what sort of things the Horcruxes might be and what they would choose as theirs if they decided to go evil and on a wizard jihad. They cooked themselves a very basic dinner made up of a variety of things in the pantry, which Harry discovered hadn't been as well stocked as he'd first thought. They finally went to sleep at some early hour discussing Dumbledore's theory that love would be the thing that killed Voldemort, and Harry's theory that Dumbledore should have put his faith in a good old fashioned club to do the job.

Waking to find Hermione's bed empty, Harry assumed she was downstairs cleaning the plates from last night or perhaps even preparing a surprise breakfast for him (Harry had noticed how domesticated Hermione was). Getting up Harry cast a glimpse at his unmade bed and made a note to tidy it later. When raised voices from the hall met his ears all thoughts of doing chores to achieve domestic felicity with Hermione left him. Moving to the door he edged it open and listened.

A blazing row was in full flow in the hall downstairs. One voice was Hermione's but the other, and more angry, voice belonged to Ron. Harry cringed. He tiptoed to the top of the stairs, careful to keep himself out of view. Ron was livid, yelling and shouting and it sounded like he was still outside. Harry remembered the protective charm on the house and realised how the situation must seem to Ron. Putting his ear over the banister, Harry listened in.

'Ron, you've got this all wrong,' Hermione was saying. Her tone suggested she had already said this several times.

'I don't think so!' Ron yelled. 'I think it looks pretty clear what's going on here.'

'Of course, and as usual you've put two and two together and come up with five. You really are being ridiculous, Ron.'

'Yeah, that's right,' Ron spat. 'Always stupid, aren't I? Stupid, dumb Ron who doesn't matter. Well, not this time - I'm on to your game.'

'There is no game!' Hermione protested.

'You must think I'm a total idiot!'

'You're certainly acting like one.'

'Oh, so now I'm an idiot, too?' said Ron.

'I don't believe we are even having this discussion,' said Hermione. 'I didn't think you'd be like this. Harry said you might, but I thought you would be more mature.'

'Oh I bet he did,' said Ron acidly. 'I bet you've done lots of talking holed up here together.'

'Ron - we are not holed up,' said Hermione.

'Then what do you call this?' Harry heard the fizz of Ron touching the magical barrier.

'I've told you twice that Dumbledore put that enchantment on the house.'

'A likely story.'

'Only Harry can invite you in. If he doesn't you cant enter. Not even Voldemort could get in. Oh, for Merlin's sake, Ron, stop cringing.'

'So, I'm a coward too, eh? I'm wondering why you went out with me at all.'

'You know, I'm starting to think the same thing.'

There was a pause, a silence in which Harry felt the strongest urge to throw himself over the banister and stop what he knew was going to happen next. Something quite out of his conscious control kept him rooted to the spot.

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