.: Confusion :.

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|| Kaori P.O.V. ||

Me and Haru where currently walking home from the tiring day working at school. It was deadly silent. Which caught my attention. Why? Why was it quiet. I know why I was quiet. And that was because I was on edge. After the Yukki indecent I haven't really been the same.

But, only God knows the reason for why Haru's keeping it quiet.

I close my eyes gently as focus on breathing for a few seconds before I open my eyes to make sure I'm walking to where I need to go. I noticed I was and continued focusing on breathing, not closing my eyes this time, but, not really paying attention to my sourings, I was basically fazing out.

" Kaori!" I heard from behind me, the familiar voice stuck with me for a minute. I stoped in my place to think. Who was that? I didn't notice but Haru stoped to, smiling gently.

I turned around to see...

Ichiro Kanata.

"K-kanata!? What, wait. Your, your back!" I cried as I ran up to hug him, I missed this otaku! I hugged him gently, yet tight. I was in awe and shock. I couldn't believe he came back.

Haru following my lead, also came up to enjoy the moment, but, I could tell Kanata's mood turned bitter by his presence. We pulled away from the hug as I wiped small tears at the corners of my eyes.

"Kanata... What... What, happened to you...?" I ask quietly, almost silent. I was so overwhelmed with suprise... I was speachless.

"K-kaori! Listen to me. I don't have alot of time left but, I need to put your safety before my feelings." He said, udderly confusing me.

" You're not safe! And neither am I. But alas, it's to late for regrets and we need to carry on, you need to carry on. Nori Sora and Yukki Himashi are no good! Stay away from them at all costs! Even Haru, I'm not sure about" he whispered the last bit so Haru couldn't hear.

"W-what? Can I trust...?-" I asked before getting interrupted by a loud noise that scared Kanata half to death."

" Kaori, I won't ever see you again but, I love you! And, please, be careful who you trust! Because, they may not be who they say they are." He said before dashing off without taking any questions.

I was in shock, what am I supposed to make of this!? Apparently, my good friend who went missing just warned me of my other friends and possibly my childhood best friend!? Who do I trust. But, I have to remember my suspicions. I don't know what team Haru's rooting for or against but, I have to try to get awnsers, I can't be left in the dark anymore!

No, not today! I refuse to trust anyone unless they have a solid alibi and evedence to why they didn't do it!

"Kaori? Hello? Are you-"

"Like hell I'm okay! Do you even know the confusion and mistrust I'm going through!? I don't even know what to do anymore! I don't even know if I can!-... Trust... You...." I felt horrible, my emotions were scattered all over.

I ran off... Leaving Haru confused and, maybe sad? I don't know, I- I just... I don't know...

What am I supposed to do now?

I- I just needed some time to myself...

.: It's Not Like I Don't Like You, Baka! :. || DISCONTINUED ||Where stories live. Discover now