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          "WHERE have you been?"

Kayla staggered in surprise when she heard that. She arrived in the office later than her usual timed in.

Her business partner, Ginger Peterson, is in her office. When she turned, the woman was staring at her. One perfect brow raised. Her arms were also crossed in the middle.

"It's eleven in the morning, Kayla. This is so not you."

"I was running some errand."

"More important than your business?"

She stride towards her desk and sit behind it. "You didn't tell me you're coming."

Ginger sat opposite her. "We haven't talk for a while."

She looked at the files on top of her table. Two new folders were added.

"Did I missed any meetings?"


"Did I forget to sign anything?"


"What brought you here then? You will never waste hours just to asked me those things you said."

"Did you read the e-mails I sent you?"

"Yes. I already sent you my input."

She put the files down. She give Ginger her full attention.

Her business partner is one gorgeous woman. Her long mahogany hair flows down in her flawless shoulder. Her round, blue eyes are very captivating.

She leaned at the back of her chair. She even crossed her arms.

"Can we talk about-------"

Whatever Ginger is about to say was cut-off when someone knocked on the door.

"Miss King---------"

"Can't you see that were still talking?" This time, it was Ginger that cut Faye. Irritation is already seen in her face because of the interruption in their conversation.

Faye blushed in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Miss Peterson."
"Whoever that person is, tell him that Miss King is having a closed door meeting with her wife." Ginger reprimanded.

Faye's eyes widen. Hers too when her eyes captured the face of the person waiting outside her office since the door is slightly ajar.

She catched how Ginger's words stun Heidi. Before she could even move, she saw her fiancée bolted out of her sight.

"Damn, Ginger!" She stood up and make a run towards the door.

"Were still talking, Kayla."

"This conversation is over."

"No! Were still talking about us."

She faced her again. Frustration is already slithering inside her mind. "There is no us anymore, Ginger."

"We can still work out our relationship."

"The only relationship that we have is purely business."


"Ginger, what do you want?"

"Let's give our relationship a chance. I still love you."

"You already made a choice two years ago."

"It was a mistake. I'm sorry. Let's try again please." Tears are already brimming in other woman's eyes. "I was wrong. I thought you're going come for me and fight for our marriage."

"When you decided to leave me, that was the end of our relationship that we tried hard to build for years."

"I'm sorry, baby. Please take me back."

"I'm sorry, Ginger."

She can still hear her sob even when she closed the door. She also knew that Faye's gaze was following her as she walked by.

Ginger will always a part of her life. She knew that somehow she hurt Ginger. The duration of their married life was not pain alone. They had their moments of bliss.

They meet through common friends. They clicked instantly.

Their forwarding business started a few years after they became friends. It happened weeks after weeks of brainstorming. With the help of both their parents, they made a loan from a bank. Afterward, Kingship forwarding was born.

As their business boomed, their relationship also flourish. Two years after establishing Kingship they got married. Nevertheless, as the company thrive their marriage starts to fall apart.

Somehow, it was her fault. The business took most of her time since it started to expand in different states. Her time with her wife lessened.

Ginger demanded to add another member of the family for her lack of time. She refused. They started to fight.

She distanced herself from Ginger. She wanted to avoid having arguments. They fought often whenever they were together. She stayed later in the office and would go home almost midnight.

One day, she went home to an empty house. She found a note on top of the bed rather than a sleeping wife.

I'm sorry. I can't take it anymore.

Just like that. Their marriage ended with just a few words.

A week later, her lawyer received the divorced paper from Ginger's lawyer. With a heavy heart, she signed the paper to free Ginger.

That was two years ago.

They became rather civil to each other since they have a business to run. There are times that tension suffocate them but they were both professional individual. They quickly recovered in a moment and continue doing both their responsibilities.

She cannot blame Ginger in thinking that they can have another chance. They did not have any serious relationship after their marriage has ended. A few times, they found each other tangled in bed naked.

She heaved a sigh.

The Homecoming of Kayla KingWhere stories live. Discover now