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WITH misty eyes, Heidi walked down the stairs and look around. When she found the person she is looking for, she smiled wider and put her right hand in the air.

Kayla grinned back and whisper at her son. Her son turned to her and waved his hands.

She exhaled loudly. Today conclude all the hard works she put herself into the past couple of years.

She did not achieve an honor but she is holding the proof of her post graduate studies. She did this with the help of her mother and Kayla and Diego will always be her inspiration.


She chuckled when she heard her son screamed. The ceremony has ended and she step towards her family.

Diego put his arms up when she reached them. She pulled her son and kissed his cheeks.

"Did you see, mommy?" her son nodded repeatedly.

"You were so beautiful out there, sweetheart. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, mama." She replied and reached her other hand to pull Kayla towards them. She kissed her on the lips.

The kiss was cut short when she noticed a flash. Kayla chuckled when they saw the culprit.

Bernadette was grinning at them. She was holding her phone.

"That picure is perfect for your table at the office, K. It would shoo women away."

"One more, Aunt B." Butted by the young boy between them.

"Sure thing, boss."

Diego sling his other hand in Kayla's neck while the other is in hers. She felt he fiancée's hand in her waist as she pulled her also.

"Enough. Mrs. Capinpin is already waiting at BUMMER'S." Bernadette ranted.

Kayla was holding her hand as they drove to the way to the bar. Diego and Bernadette were at the back. They were bantering like they were of the same age. It is a normal scenario with the two of them together since Bernadette loves to test her son's patience which is next to none when it comes to Aunt B's teases.

Bernadette closed her bar for the night. It is for the purpose of celebrating Heidi's graduation in grads school.

When they found the space for parking, Diego and Bernadette walked forward hand and hand. The young boy already forgot that Aunt B teased him.

Heidi looked at Kayla when the older woman pulled her back. Instead of answering her, her fiancée kissed her deeply.

"Congratulations, sweetheart. I love you."

She smiled and give her another peck. "I love you, too."

"Hold on. I have a gift for you."

Kayla get something from the glove box. It was a brown manila envelope. She opened it and grinned in surprise.

"Are you coming with me on this vacation?"

"It's up to you. It's for two people, anyway."

"I won't be happy without you no matter how beautiful the place is." She said and kissed Kayla again. The older woman hugged her in return.

"Let's meet the others."

No one greet them when they went inside. Instead, silence surround them.

"Where are they?"

"This is actually my idea."

Kayla turned to them, frowning. They were still holding each other's hand. Hers are getting clammy.

"You have been very patient all this time. You honor my wishes especially when I said that I want to finish my studies before settling down."

The taller woman nodded. "If this is your way of informing me that you wanted to enroll for your doctorate, it's fine. However, please marry me first."

She laughed. "You don't have to wait for that long."

She put her other hand to Kayla's cheek. The other woman leaned on it before kissing her palm.

"Kayla King, let's get married." Her fiancée's eyes widen in shock. "Today."


She smiled at her before turning her head in the mini stage. People started to move out from their hiding place.

These people were hired by Bernadette to do the set-up they planned a few weeks back. Like a whirlwind, they find themselves in front of their family and friends having their vows of commitment.

She received her diploma today for her master's degree but the most important document she would forever treasure will be the marriage certificate she and Kayla both signed.

The gift that Kayla gave will be put in use. She should get her bikini for their honeymoon in Maldives.

Next stop would be the baby that Kayla King is asking for. Her wife is good at pampering people, anyway.

===== FIN =====

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