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After a while, Midoriya lay down on his bed, he only received some heavy bruises, but he wasn't in a serious condition, and was allowed to go back home. He look on the ground, his mind racing with thoughts.

"Midoriya, bro? Are you alright?" Kirishima said, knocking his door, apparently, after that incident, his classmates visited him.

"I'm alright, Kirishima..." He weakly replied, and he heard footsteps fading away. 'I just... need some time to get my mind off...'

"Poor Midoriya..." Sero said, looking at Inko. "Has Midoriya been this broken before?" He ask, but was met with a slap to the head by Bakugo. "Tape Face, call him in his first name." Bakugo growl, and Sero nodded furiously.

"Actually, no, I have never seen him this broken before. But I'm sure he'll live! Anyway, if you all can stay at night, would you like dinner?" Inko ask, and they nodded, wanted to stay with Midoriya, after what he did to them.

Once it was nighttime, Midoriya heard his phone buzzed, and he look at it, before his eyes went wide, and he immediately burst open the door and put on his boots. "Midoriya, where are going?!" Yaoyorozu ask, as everyone look at him. "L-Later!"

He arrived at Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, seeing All Might, in his true form, bandaged. "All Might!" Midoriya called out, as All Might look at him. "Oh, you're finally here. Thank, God, I was worry." All Might said, as Midoriya stop in front of him, panting.

"S-So, what is it you want to talk about?" Midoriya ask, as All Might sigh sadly, and look at him.

"Young Midoriya, I... am effectively retired. I cannot fight anymore"

Midoriya eyes widened, as All Might turn into his muscle form, and punch the air, five times, before he instantly turns back into his true form, and spout our blood, making Midoriya scream in fright.

"The last embers of One For All have gone out, and I can't really keep my muscle form anymore. At first, I thought I was goner when I fought against All For One at his prime, but you were there, your words... had me go beyond my limits and won. That's why, this time..." He then hugged Midoriya. "when you won the obstacle race for the first time without getting injured, I was so happy and proud. From now on, I will devote myself to raising you, I will... become the father you never have." All Might said, as tears were at Midoriya's eyes, feeling the mic of sadness, joy, and every emotions on his chest.

"A-All... Might...!" Midoriya sobbed, tears leaking down his eyes.

"Sometimes, you don't really keep your word, do you?" All Might said sadly, a few tears on his eyes. "Didn't I tell you to stop being a crybaby...?"

Midoriya gripped his shirt, as he screamed in grief and sorrow, a lot of tears falling down on his eyes, the slightest pain lingering down in his cheeks, as he realize, it was the end of the era of All Might.

In the morning, Midoriya sat down on his sofa, his classmates talking, while Yaoyorozu was sitting next to him, looking at him, his eyes were puffy, likely that he couldn't sleep because of All Might's words.

"I will... become the father you never have."

"Midoriya?" He snap out of his thoughts, and saw Yaoyorozu looking at him, worry. "Are you alright? Your eyes are puffy." She said, pointing at his eyes, as Midoriya rubbed his eyes, the puffy eyes gone back into his usual ones.

"I'm alright, I'm just... tired, that's all."

They heard the door bell ring, as Inko opened the door, and scream in surprise, as they look over it, and their eyes widened and mouth hanging open.

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