After a while, both Midoriya and Bakugo were sitting next to each other on the the sofa, Bakugo scoffing, and Midoriya sighed. "Can't believe a damn nerd like you get so popular with girls." Bakugo growl, annoyed that the first box of letters were sent to Midoriya were from females.

Midoriya shivered. "I don't want to think about it. I'm going to see the second one." He said, and Bakugo sigh, before giving him a small present, which he look at it. "Merry frikin' Christmas, nerd. Even though Christmas is starting tomorrow, I don't like to wait." He said, and Midoriya smile and took it.

"Thanks, Kacchan."

"Whatever, just open the second box, dammit."

Midoriya opened the box, as he read the first one, which it was from surprising, Endeavor.

Hey, I hate to say this, but, thanks for saving my ass a little back at Camino. I respect your bravery, so Merry Christmas.

"Eh, who's that?" Bakugo said, looking  at the letter. "It's from Endeavor..." Midoriya whispered, clearly shocked, as Todoroki appear behind it. "Let me take a look." He said, grabbing the letter, before eyes widened.

"I never expected this..." He said, and give back the letter to Midoriya. "Neither am I." Midoriya said, before he look at the next one, which was from Nana, but there was one more letter inside.

Dear Izuku.

I'm sorry, that I couldn't visit you, because I am busy finding Shigaraki. Ever since our battle with All For One, ever since he told us that he was my grandson. I've been thinking. 'What's the point? He's the next Symbol of Evil, taking All For One's mantle. Although he is my grandson, I will not let him go free and wreak havoc the world. I will put to an end to his evil schemes. I may sound cold, but it was the right choice. And... I'm happy to be your second mother. I love you, Izuku.

Nana Shiruma.

PS: You can still increased the percentage to 150%, however, after you take those damages back at the summer camp, you can only use the percentage at 105%. I found this out, while I was testing your blood.

PSS: There is another box under your bed, I didn't tell Eraser Head or Toshinori about it.

PSSS: I would always love you, Izuku, because you're a real bright sunshine!

Midoriya smile widely, as tears leak down on his cheeks. Happiness, joy, excitement exploded on his chest, that Nana Shiruma is his second mother.

After a while, he was sitting on his bed, looking at the bright silver and emerald box, as he open the top, and eyes widened in shock. There were two of his favorite chocolate bars, a All Might hoodie, and a paper in the middle, with pictures under it, as he pick it up, and read it.

So, I think it's time for you to know the truth. When you were an infant, I was your Aunt. But, an incident occurred when you were five years old and All For One had a Quirk, a Quirk that can erase a people's memories forever. And he did it on you, the memories of you remembering me, was gone. I was left heartbroken, so I was forced to left without looking back at you.

If... you can. Try remembering your pasts, by looking at these pictures I took when you were just a kid. I hope you can forgive me for not telling you this sooner.

Midoriya drop the paper, as he immediately look at all the pictures. Seeing himself at the age of three, hugging Nana's head, while she had a wide grin on her face. Soon, a waves of memories hit his mind, as the memories of him and Nana, were back, as tons of tears were leaking down on his eyes. Each memories hit him when he look at each pictures.

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