Chapter 4

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Jungkook P.O.V

"Good morning class! "
"As you can see there is a canvas and paint and your inspiration waiting for you. Let's test your creativity "

In short mam just wanted to take a test so that she could snore away in class.
Not that she was a bad teacher, she was an amazing artist.

When I went to sit on a random canvas I saw names alloted to each place.
They never do that.

Without too much pondering I found my seat next to the window overlooking our basket ball court.

Staring at the blank canvas I started thinking about the clue.
What could it be?
Why was this tradition so important?

As I was busy thinking I reached out for my bag searching empty air.



I peered at the teacher's sleeping form and tip toed out of class
No one really bothered to wake her.
Some students giggled .
I ran to our english class and requested the teacher for permission to take my bag.

"Everyone is distracted today I see! "

I just smiled.

Returning to my seat I started thinking of what to draw.
I was facing a painter's block (if that's a word)

And I took out my sketchbook
I leafed through to the sketch I made this morning that Jimin hyung wanted to see.

I didn't show it to him. I don't know why.

It was a sketch of all seven of us near a beach we had gone to . I still remember that day.

We all had fun and drank around a bonfire.
We had promised eachother that we would watch eachothers back and be honest no matter what.

I started replicating it on the canvas.

*bell rings*


Everyone looked up at me

"Sorry its just that I haven't finished yet"

"Its okay you can finish it tomorrow. Class dismissed! "

I picked up my tattered sketchbook to put it inside the bag

Aish! Thanks gravity for making everything fall!

I reached down to pick up the paper that had fallen from the diary.

I looked at it.

I almost stumbled and fell.

It was a riddle.

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