Jungkook P.O.V
What does the riddle mean? Why would someone put such a vague riddle and expect us to solve a treasure hunt in two days while we also do our classes and daily work?
First if all, how on earth did that paper come inside my sketchbook? Who took it out to put that chit while I was not looking?
"Oh ! Sorry hyung you were saying something?"
"Why do you look so lost?"
Do I tell him? What if they all have got their clues by now , but we had decided we would text eachother if we got the clue and meet up to discuss about it. None of them texted in the group.
Jin hyung does not know the clue yet.
"Have you found the first clue?"
"Nope, not a trace . Okay tell me this, what can make you so surprised that you might faint ?"
" what?"
AHAHAHAHAHAHAGA!""You need food to charge yourself, please eat!"
And that's how we finished two plates of black bean noodles with milkshake.
"I have to go to class! See you later...."
"See you later hyung...... "
I still remember how we pranked Hobi hyung during Halloween in the music room.
Yoongi had called him to the room to help him assemble chairs for a performance.
He went in jumping and humming to himself.
I had almost started laughing behind the piano,a vampire humming to oneself was a rare sight to see after all.
Just when he came in he called out for Yoongi hyung.
I knew hyung was busy switching off the lights.Just as the lights went off we heard a whimper.
That was our cue to come out into the open wearing white blankets while holding torches.
The scream that emitted from Hobi hyung could have broken a glass and given an opera singer a run for their money.
Namjoon hyung was the first one to laugh and reveal himself.
We all followed suitHe was extremely scared and happy at the same time. He hit all of us playfully.
We all had a group hug after that and went to eat french fries and burger in a nearby cafe.And ofcourse we ate candies and Jin hyung became high on sugar , so naturally his dad jokes escalated and we all laughed the whole way back to school......
Time passes like a flash of lightning.
I wish everything could be captured in photos and the photos would magically come alive like a huge screen showing a movie and we could get sucked back in that time for a while.....We grow up too fast.

Boy meets....
FanfictionLove has different layers. Love is not one kind it has many categories. We love to love but our way of expressing it is different for different things . This story is about trust and friendship. Disclaimer- This is a story written by me using a...