Yoongi P.O.V
The basket clinked loudly with the ball hitting it and I sighed with exhaustion, it was a happy exhaustion.
I saw Jimin and Namjoon sitting on the bench and clapping. I laughed at their antiques.
I saw the same small button nosed Namjoon sitting on that bench wearing a cap when Jimin joined him with his small Mickey mouse lunchbox.
I was new there they were the only people I knew, as I was approaching them, two boys a bit older than me blocked my way, I tried to move away but they pushed me.
I looked back to where they were pointing, and saw that the basket ball was stuck on a tree."I can't climb trees, I'm sorry I won't be able to help you"
As soon as I said this the taller boy punched me and I fell down, I was about to get up and hit him (which would have been a bad decision), when I saw Namjoon and Jimin slowly creep behind them and pour water on their heads , they turned and all four of them screamed, two out of fear, and two out of anger, and they started running. I just stood their dumbfounded.
I decided to follow them and while doing so, I took a sharp turn towards our class teacher's office and informed him about everything, we both reached them and saw that the two seniors were about to hold their collars when our teacher shouted at them and they turned back, then they were dragged off to the principal's office.
"Thanks guys"
"Don't say thanks we are friends aren't we?"
"Yes Joon, we are. "
"And me?"
We both hugged Jimin and said in unison "Ofcourse you are the bestest friend we have, We love you!"

Boy meets....
FanfictionLove has different layers. Love is not one kind it has many categories. We love to love but our way of expressing it is different for different things . This story is about trust and friendship. Disclaimer- This is a story written by me using a...