Namjoon P.O.V
Today it was pleasant.
The basketball court had a sheet of mist hovering over it and the people in the court looked tiny from where I was sitting.
Everyone knew there was a terrace in our school, but few knew where the entrance was.
I don't know why the terrace had such a secret entrance through the clock tower.
Yes , our school had a huge clock atop a tower that was three storey high and had a backdoor that was rugged , but if you pushed it hard enough it opened. That backdoor led to a flight of spiral stairs that led to the terrace.The special thing about the door of the tower was that it was camoflauged in an abstract painting all over the tower. So the door looked almost non existent.
We found out about the door when we were in 9th grade thanks to Jimin.
One autumn afternoon we all were busy playing catch in the basketball court . We took turns in catching the ball while saying the numbers backward, the person who missed first would have to do whatever the others said.
It was going smooth until Jungkook threw it so hard towards Yoongi that even when he ran and tumbled backward to catch it, the ball flew out of sight.
We all kept standing there waiting for someone to find the ball, no one really wanted to go.
"Let's decide it over rock, paper scissors", Yoongi told while getting up and brushing the dust off his uniform.
After a gruelling 5 rounds, it was Jimin who had to find the ball.
After almost 10 minutes we suddenly heard him calling us , we all ran towards the sound of his voice and saw him standing near the clock tower with the tennis ball in hand.
He just blankly pointed towards the tower and said with bewildered eyes, " There is a door behind the tower",
We all rushed to it and indeed there was a door camoflauged in painting.We all went inside and found the staircase and climb up, I was a bit dizzy from all the spiral stairs but we reached the entrance soon enough.
When the door was opened, the most beautiful sight greeted us, a huge sprawling terrace with small trees and flowers all around.
That was the day it became our secret hideout.
From that day onwards I always came there to think wherever the others were doing something else.
It calmed me. I could see everyone going about their work , their laughter , the secret glances , the jokes and all of their candid behaviours without any of the people knowing.
I was happy when I was there.
I was sitting with my diary on my lap ready to write another poem. As soon as I opened the diary, a paper fell out,
I picked it up and started unfolding it."NAMJOON HYUNG!"
"Sorry but I need to discuss something with you! "
He was going to utter another word when he looked at my hand and saw the paper.
He looked at me and then at the paper again."We need to discuss about this", he said pointing at my hand that held the half opened paper.

Boy meets....
أدب الهواةLove has different layers. Love is not one kind it has many categories. We love to love but our way of expressing it is different for different things . This story is about trust and friendship. Disclaimer- This is a story written by me using a...