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  He packed his provisions, including his trusty diamond sword, a bow and a quiver of arrows. He packed some food and supplies as well, and last but not least, the small round disk Notch had given him.

  He set off from the mountains, watching as Sordul's, or Notch's hidden training centre disappear, swallowed by the mountains in a sea of grey, brown and green. He was finally leaving the sanctuary for good, and would be able to see civilization once more.

  He visited a few nearby towns, but hadn't picked up on any trace of the God of Destruction. Two days had passed, and he was starting to think it was folley. How could Notch expect him to be able to find Herobrine, such a powerful being which must had been excellent at hiding?

  On the third day, he picked up on a trail.

  The village he had visited seemed normal enough at first glance, but what seemed fishy was that the villagers reported the dogs were going crazy the last few days, barking and snapping at some unseen foes. Deciding that the lead was authentic, he went to investigate.

  Dogs usually don't bark that much, not even at random zombies that happened to pass by. But it was reported that the village seemed to be strangely vacated of zombies, not that they were complaining, of course, but the dogs seemed more alert than ever.

  He followed one of the dogs west, following the smell of monsters, and it wasn't long before he picked up the ultra strong stench of dozens of zombies clustered together.

  He then camped nearby in a camouflaged hideout, to wait if anything fishy happens.
  Turns out, he almost dozed off when the figure appeared.

  A clap of thunder almost made him fall out of he tree he was in. And in the next second, a man was standing where a bolt of lightning struck half a second ago, completely unscathed. His glowing eyes surveying the environment for any potential threat, and Steve forced himself to stay still, so he wouldn't be spotted easily. Fortunately, the God of Destruction didn't appear to have seen him, and headed towards the group of mobs gathered there.
  The man appeared to be saying instructions to the mobs, while they grunted and growled, having appeared to understand what he was saying. Steve inched closer, but even he couldn't decipher what Herobrine was saying, or what language he used. Even so, judging from what Notch had said and what he could see, they couldn't be up to anything good.

  Steve nocked an arrow on his bow, and aimed at Herobrine's face. Once he turns around, he would shoot, and hopefully be able to dispatch of the being with the disk Notch had given him.

  When Herobrine turned his head, Steve let his arrow fly.

  Herobrine immediately noticed something was wrong. His head immediately whipped to the other side with superhuman speed that hardly seemed possible. But even he was too slow. The arrow still managed to graze his eye from the side.

  The God of Destruction howled in pain and fury as dark blood spurted out of his left eye. He cupped his hand over the left side of his face, while his right eye glaring murderously at where Steve hid, glowing like a miniature sun, the fury evident in it.

  Steve nocked another arrow on his bow to shoot at his other eye, but he couldn't shoot him right in the face, the arrow would penetrate Herobrine's skull, and would risk killing him. Could he be killed? Steve had no idea, but wasn't anxious to find out. Best to play it safe, or else he would have one other god angry at him.

  Before he could shoot, a blast of bright white light vaporized the tree trunk. Steve, along with the rest of the tree fell to the ground, while Herobrine and the mobs walked slowly towards him, like they had all the time in the world.

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