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Can't hide me forever Rose~
Rose shook her head thinking she heard someone
"What was that?" Rose Exclaimed
"You're just hearing things...she's not real..."
It had been about a month since Rose escaped her abusive "boyfriend ", she had stayed with a close friend of hers, his name was Liam. She had only mentioned that she escaped Jake but left out the 'shooting him' part out. Luckily Jake didn't know where Liam lived so Rose knew she was safe.
"Yo, Rose, You sure you're ok? You've been quite shaken up since you ran out on Fuck Mcgee." -Liam questioned
"I'm fine Liam, but I think I should visit a doctor just in case,right?" Liam nodded at Rose
"If you want you can just drop me off at work and you can have the car for today so you can go to the Doctors. But remember to pick me up at 8pm!"-Stated Liam
"Sure, Hurry up and get ready though you're supposed to go into work in like an hour!"
Time skip to doctors' office
Rose walked into the lavender scented facility, she checked in with the nurse and sat down awaiting to be called.
"Man, for a doctors office this place sure is...kind of...-"
Roses thoughts were interrupted as she heard her name being called by a tall and dark brown haired Doctor. Heck, he looked to maybe in his early 20's, his eyes caught Rose's attention though.
"Ms.Mezo? Is Ms.Mezo present?" He spoke in such a silky smooth voice that it was almost unsettling.
"Well Right this way ma'am"
Rose followed the Doctor through a long corridor and then finally into a room.
"Please wait here while I get some...papers "
He left Rose in the room by herself with suffocating silence.
"Man this place gives me the creeps, hm..."
It seemed the doctor had left his clipboard on the counter.
"I guess a little snooping won't hurt!"
Rose picked up the clipboard and examined the papers, she found a bunch of basic information but behind the paper was something disturbing
"What the-, he's got pictures of Liam's place...And he's got pictures of Jake's place too! This ain't ok..."
Just then the door swung open and the doctor let himself in. Rose got startled and dropped the clipboard back on the counter.
"AHH! S-sorry I thought I saw something!"
"It's fine Ms.Rose, we all get a tad bit curious, don't we?" His words brought shivers up Rose's spine. She knew something was off.
"Ah, how rude of me to not introduce myself! My name is Doctor Vincent Lunas. I'll be your doctor for today. Now what did you come in for?"
Rose notices his eyes were a dark brown yet as he said his name it almost seemed as if his eyes glowed a deep crimson.
Nah, I did not just see that! It's all in my head again!
"Uh, I had an incident about a month ago that left me a bit shaken up and I was wondering if there was anything I could do about it?"
"Well I could right you a prescription for some medication and I would recommend trying to avoid any loud or bright disturbances, some side affects of the medicine will be a bit of tiredness, weakness and on rare occasions, hallucinations but apart from that you'll be fine. Would you like the prescription?"
Rose hesitated but initially agreed, she just wanted the trauma to calm.
"Alright, But will the tiredness go to the point of blacking out?"
"Rarely, but yes. I'm sure Liam will take great care of you, right?"
A smirk grew onto his face and that creepy crimson glow began again.
"I'll get that prescription for you Ms.Rose in about a week. Come back on the 7th, see the front office to set up a time."
"Wait Wh-"
He left Rose again in the suffocating silence.
"Oh shit..."

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