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Vincent woke up in an unfamiliar lavender room, the smell of flowery perfumes danced into his nose. The covers also smelled different, almost rosey in a sense, and fluffier than his. He seemed be to wrapped around a giant teddy, he remembered it, he gifted it to Rose in secret senior year for Valentine's day, hidden from that bastard Rose called a boyfriend.
"Wait, I need to get out, I shouldn't be here-"
Vincent sat up and noticed a familiar body laying on the other side of the teddy bear.
"... Rose?"
The body moved a bit and flipped over to face Vincent tho they were still asleep, with that long messy hair and purple dyed tips there was no mistake it was Rose, and oh did she look adorable in the dimly lit room with only the white moonlight creeping in through her curtains and filling a small portion of her room. He brushed a lock of hair off her face and held her head in his hand, he missed doing this, it made him feel whole, something he hadn't felt in too long. He felt himself smile and almost weep, feelings that had been dormant and that had been pushed down came back to him, that lovely feeling he missed having with his little Rose petal.
"..mm no-, I don't wanna go..."
What? Is she having a nightmare?

"Please-....Jake no!..."
God I hate myself so much for letting him hurt my Rose petal, you were so pure what did he do to you...
The abrupt shout startled Vincent as Rose smacked away his hand from her face, her eyes filled with tears as Rose fully gained consciousness and gasped for air.
Rose swung her head towards Vincent looking absolutely distraught and terrified, she shook as more tears rolled down her face
"Vinny- I was so s-scared-, h-he h-he hurt m-me. I'm s-sorry!"
Rose leapt into Vincent's arms balling her eyes into his shoulder, Vincent still quite surprised by the sudden act still tried to comfort his long awaited friend
"Shh, it's alright Rose...He can't hurt you anymore"
He rubbed Rose's back letting her to get everything out, he looked out her window and down towards the ground, there was laid a beautiful garden even in the moonlight did it show wonderfully, he examined every lilly petal, petunia, and Dahlia in the local garden, but his favorite was the Rose in the middle of the wild flowers, it was alone but stood tall, almost proud. It's petals were rough around the edges but the middle was the softest of all the flowers, it was all too familiar to what flower he currently held between his arms. He turned his attention back to his lovely rose petals and she had fallen asleep, he smiled softly and laid her back to sleep puller the blankets over her and even putting the teddy bear back next to her. Vincent kissed her forehead gently and whispered
"Now we're even"
And walked out of the apartment building, he walked behind the apartments to find the garden and nelt down to the rose.
"My lovely rose petal, oh how I love you get I can't be you, there is so much unfinished business. But, at least one subject was felt with..."
He grabbed a petal from the rose and examined it, he tossed it on the long dirt batch roughly patted down just behind the garden but not too far away. He kicked the rough patch and paint upon it.
"Burn in hell prick" was muttered from his mouth as he walked back to his car and planned the next patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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