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The two of then stood there, silent, for at least a couple of minutes until they broke away from the hug.
"Soo..." Lance said. "What do you want to do now?"
"I don't know" Keith shrugged "from what I overheard, there's a pool somewhere near by that just reopened. Let's hope it's not like the one at the castle."

"Yeah," Lance laughed. "Wait, do you even still have swim trunks anymore?"
"Oh right! I was in such a hurry to get into the Lion that I forgot to grab my stuff!" Keith exclaimed. "Now it's gone forever!"

"Hehehe.....actually...." Lance chuckled softly.


"I still cannot believe that you kept my stuff!" Keith said, lowering himself into the hot tub, he'd just gotten out of the pool and felt like relaxing for a bit in the warmth of the hot tub.
"I said I was sorry!" Lance said as he too got in the hot tub.
"Fine, but, it's a shame I got so tall; nothing fits anymore, heck I doubt my crop jacket even fit." Keith sighed. "Thanks for giving me your spare swim trunks by the way."

The two of them were so close, that if they were to put their hands to their sides then their fingertips would touch. However that was only because there was other people there, which included James Griffin, Matt Holt, Ryan Kinkade and Romelle.

"Keith...." James muttered.
"James..." Keith glared at him.
"It's perfectly fine that you are now full Galra, but if I may express my concern, I'm worried that the others will loathe you, since hardly even months ago Sendak, a Galra, got taken down" James told Keith."so it might be best if you, your mom, and that other guy hide out until everything calms down"
"Um, excuse me?!" Keith's yellow eyes seemed to glow in mild irritation. "Look James. Just because a lot of the Galra are evil, doesn't mean that the people of Earth should fear the person who saved them, they also shouldn't fear his mother and his mother's co-worker!"

"So Matt!" Lance said, quickly changing the subject matter. " Who was that alien chick you came back with?"
"Oh that's Qell, my girlfriend." Matt admitted.
"That's cool!" Lance exclaimed. "Hopefully it doesn't end horribly! Because one time after working the Lance charms on a girl, I ended up being handcuffed"

"That just sounds.....soooo wrong....." Ryan said.
"How?" Asked Romelle.
"Nevermind...." Ryan told her.
"Keith, I'm just thinking the best for-" James told Keith.
"Not really! If you did, then you wouldn't be suggesting that I should hide away just because if what I am." Keith snapped.
"Keith, buddy, calm down. Everything is going to be alright." Lance said in a soothing voice.
"Stay out of this Lance!" Keith shouted.

"Then how else am I going to put it?!" Yelled James. "If you hid this from us for so long! Then why shouldn't others think that you might be hiding something else!"
"Like what James! That I like guys! Is that what else you want to hear from me." Keith screamed, causing people to stare at him more than before.
Knew it thought Matt.

Lance could almost feel some hateful glares burning into the back of his skull that were directed towards Keith. However, seeing as how close they were sitting, Lance received some of those glares too.

"No! Nothing like that, I meant like they might think that-" James said.
"When I say 'Vol' you say 'Tron'!" Lance was now more desperate to change the subject matter more than before. "Vol-"
"Tron!" Romelle and Matt replied at the same time.

"James?" Ryan said. "Should we go now?"
"Lance, let's leave, this was a bad idea!" Keith said.

Lance and Keith then stepped out of the hot tub and started to walk away.
"Fine." James muttered. "Don't listen to me, but don't come crying to me if something bad happens"
Keith growled under his breath, his eyes glowed a bright yellow.
"JAMES YOU LITTLE-!!" Keith yelled.

Can't believe I'm about to do this! Lance thought.
"Keith, I- I'm Taylor!!!" Lance yells.
Very quickly, Keith's anger was gone as he then looked at Lance.
"Wait....you're Taylor?! HOW?!!!" Keith asked.
"You must've heard part of my nickname back at the Garrison, which was 'The Tailor'. As in the person who sews stuff." Lance explained.

Keith slowly back away before turning on his heel and running away.
"KEITH!" Lance yelled as he attempted to chase after him, but he slipped on water and landed on his rear end.
"Lance! Are you okay?!" Matt asked, jumping out of the hot tub and quickly walking over to Lance's side.


"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Keith yelled as he slammed his head against a wall. I admitted my crush directly to my crush!!! And I ran away from him! What is wrong with me!!!

Keith, who at this point had a shirt and jacket on grabbed his phone out of his jacket pocket and called Shiro. Keith was unsure if he would be able to face Lance again after this.

"Shiro?" Keith said as soon as Shiro picked up.
"Keith? Is everything alright?" Shrio asked.
"C-can you pick me up, right away, like right friggin' now?!"
"Keith, can you please tell me what's wrong?!!"
"Shiro, I'll explain later, just please pick me up."

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