Extra: Keith's Birthday

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A/N: Takes place after the date in chapter 10

Hunk and Lance were standing in the kitchen working on what they were going to eat for Keith's birthday, with Hunk making the cake, and Lance attempting to make something for dinner.

"So, Lance" Hunk asks "what did you get Keith for his birthday?"
"A couple CDs." Lance responded.
"Hey guys!" Pidge said, a small triangle shaped robot flying closely behind her. "How's it going?"

"Hi Pidge, think you can help Lance with making dinner? He's burning it" Hunk asks.
"I'm - HOLY CROW!!!!" Lance exclaims as he threw the pot into the sink.
"Lance, let Rover and I take care of this" Pidge says "you can help Romelle and Allura wrap the gifts"

"Shouldn't-" Lance started.
"They offered to help in some way and there was no point in agureing with them" Pidge shrugged.
"Ah, alright..." Lance muttered as he walked out of the kitchen.


Keith, Shiro, and Krolia were at the dog park with Kosmo. Most of the people there kept their distance, not because they were afraid of Keith or Krolia, but they were afraid of the teleporting space wolf. Keith played a game of fetch with Kosmo as Shiro and Krolia sat on a bench watching them.

Krolia lets out a heavy sigh.
"What's wrong?" Shiro asked, quickly becoming concerned.
"It's Keith's birthday and, I don't know what to do for him...." She told Shiro. "I've been absent for a good chunk of his life, I don't know what he even likes."

"Well, maybe we can get him something like a book or something that would something for Kosmo since he really likes him. Like a dog leash and a collar" Shiro suggests just as Keith and Kosmo teleports away.
"I-i don't know...wait you haven't gotten him something?" Krolia asks rasing a brow.

"Does a birthday and gift card count?" Shiro shrugs quickly handing the card to her. "maybe you can sign the card and we can say we both got it"

"sure, why not. I hope that he's okay with this." Krolia says, quickly signing it before handing back to Shiro, who puts it in his pocket.

"Wait! I just remembered something" Shiro shouts.
"What?" Asks Krolia.
"Keith, really likes hippos!"
".... hippos?"
"Yeah, maybe you can get him a plush hippo"
"Okay, I've got to go find that plush now, bye."
"Here" Shiro says handing her a couple five dollar bills "Hopefully this should be enough."
Krolia thanks him, as she walks off, seeing if she could find a toy store.

"Keith?" Shiro said when Kosmo and Keith reappeared.
"Yeah, Shiro?" Keith asks as he runs his hands through Kosmo's fur
"We have to go, okay?" Shiro asked.

"Um...okay?" Keith said, he was a little confused, but he kept that to himself. "Wait where's mom?"

"She has other business to attend to, don't worry Keith, she'll be back."


Shiro and Keith walked through the door, and the lights were out.
Keith quickly grabbed ahold of his Galra blade, in case someone was to attack. Then the lights turned on, they were bright, which blinded Keith for a bit, once his eyes adjusted, a warm friendly smile appears on his face.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEITH!!" shouted Lance, Pidge, Allura, Hunk, Rommell, and Matt
"Thanks guys" Keith told them.


"Okay, who wants the first slice of cake?" Hunk asked holding a small knife.
"I think that Keith should be the first one, since it is his birthday after all." Allura suggested.
"Thanks Allura, but Hunk, can we please save cake for last? I'm stuffed." Keith says, placing a hand over his stomach, a plate with some mashed potatoes and a little Mac and cheese still left.
"Oh, sure. We can definitely do that" Hunk says as he gently sets the knife down. "I think Pidge and I over did it a little"
"Yeah, we kinda did." Pidge says. "Oh well, at least there'll be more than enough for leftover night."

"Anyways, what do you propose we do then?" Allura asks, holding her hands together.
"Maybe we could try and get through the gifts first?" Suggested Keith.
"Alrighty then, the first one is from Hunk!" Rommell says, reaching for a medium sized box, wrapped in silver.

Rommell handed it to Keith with a smile before going back to the small mountain of gifts.
Keith, very carefully, removed the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside was some dog stuff (such as treats and toys) and a long sleeved red shirt that read, in black, 'Proud Owner Of Intergalactic Space Pupper'.

Keith smiled and giggled a little as he thanked Hunk. Kosmo had already taken a bone out of it and began chewing on it.
"No problem. Though the lady who made the shirt stared at me for a while when I ordered it." Hunk explained.
"The next is from Ka- Pidge and Matt" Allura said, handing Keith another medium size box wrapped in black.

Keith, who has regained a little more trust with the Holts, quickly opened it and saw they got him a laptop and a video game that's best described as an fps game where you play on teams.
"Thanks" Keith told them.


"Okay, and it seems that the last gift is from Lance!" Shiro says, since both Allura and Romelle are a bit tired from carrying each other's gifts.

Keith looked at Lance briefly before taking the thankful small package wrapped in a shiny red wrapping paper. Keith tore into it and smirked at the amount of Green Day CD's.
"Let me guess." Keith said. " You want me to listen to them too? Or is it because a song by them is what we sang to on our first date?"
"Actually, it's both" Lance says.

Keith sets the CDs to the side so he can plate a small, soft kiss on Lance's lips.
Just then, Krolia walks in, holding a really large blue gift bag with red tissue paper poking out as if it were put in in a hurry.
"Mom!" Keith cried out, hugging her.
"Happy birthday Keith" Krolia says, hugging her son back, when Keith backed away, Krolia handed him the gift bag. "Here, I decided to get you something"
"Thanks" Keith says, choosing not to ask why she did, even though she signed the card Shiro gave him.

Keith removed the tissue paper, and a big ol' bright smile was on his face, beaming with pure joy. But, a small thought crawled into his mind, causing him to drop the smile.

Will they laugh at me?

"Thanks" Keith says, a smile coming back on to his face. "Hey, Hunk? I think it been long enough, is it okay we have cake?"
Hunk's eyes lit up as he smiled and nodded.


Once Keith got into his room, he shut the door, and then jumped onto his bed, hugging the large, gray, plush, hippo his mom got for him.

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