The Winter Extra

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The former Paladins of Voltron, as well as their close family, were gathered in a nice log cabin. It was Hunk's idea that they spend at least one day together.

Originally, it was a rather early Christmas get-together, but they had to change it to a Winter get-together when they figured that the aliens probably haven't heard of Christmas or any of the other holidays that are celebrated around this time of year.

Hunk, Keith, and Lance were in the kitchen, though Lance was cleaning the dishes.
"Hunk, are you sure that I can't help?" Lance asks as he flicks the soap bubbles off his hands.

"Lance you nearly burned part of the meal I had planned for Keith's birthday." Hunk replied, not daring to rip his eyes away from his current work, which was a pot of veggie soup. "And that was corn! How do you even do that?"

"I know, but Keith burns popcorn, all the time" Lance comments.
"That was one time, and how was I supposed to know that you don't use the popcorn button! In fact why is it there if you are not allowed to use it!" Keith says.

"It says so on the package and you left it in there until the microwave beeped."
"I want as little popcorn kernels as possible" Keith shouts.
"Guys...stop fighting" Hunk whines.
"Sorry Hunk." Keith apologizes.
"Yeah, sorry buddy" Lance says.

Hunk thanks them. He just hopes that the rest of the evening will go smoothly. Well as smoothly as you can expect with the Paladins of Voltron, some aliens, as well as family members all in the same room.

Not that it would end in a huge fight per say, but it might end up in a mess, or some misunderstandings.


It was now time for the event, fresh, warm, home cooked meals rested on top of the countertop, and everyone was seated at the large round table.
"Shiro, how are you doing these past couple of days?" says Samuel, Lance's dad.

"Oh, I'm just fine" Shiro responses as he takes a sip of the lemonade that Keith and Lance made earlier.
"Hey" Lance says "where's Jude?"
"Oh, he's...just busy." Shiro replies.

At this, Keith raises an eyebrow. He then began to think of any possibilities as to why Shiro responded like that, he then sort of concluded that he and Jude must not be getting along as much as Shiro has hoped. Keith felt like asking him, but he chose against it, as he was afraid that he might upset or even offended Shiro and cause a scene, so he just thought that he could just wait.

At the table, conversations were overlapping, with Carmen, Colleen, Hunk's mother Farrah, and Krolia talking to each other, as well as Sam Holt, Matt, and Shiro chatting. This went on even after dinner was done, which slightly annoyed Lance's nephew and niece, the same goes for Hunk's niece and nephew.

"When can we leave the table?" Asks Lance's niece, Nadia.
"Soon, just relax." Lisa says calmly.
"Alright mom.." Nadia mutters as she slinks down in her seat.
"Tío Lance?" Says Sylvio.
"Yes?" Lance answers "what is it?"
"I'm just wondering...." Sylvio pauses as if he was figuring out how to word his question. "How come you now like guys? I've previously seen you with girls?"
"Sylvio!" Lisa says "that's-"
"It's fine Lisa" Lance said to her.

"Are you sure?" Lisa asks.
"Yeah, it's fine. He doesn't understand, so I'll explain it as simply as-" Lance explains to his sister in law.
"Sylvio, some people can like both boys and girls" Keith says quickly.
"Ah. Okay" Sylvio replies.
"Keith, I wanted to teach him" Lance said.
"Well, I got it out of the way, so you're welcome." Keith takes a long sip of his soda.

Later on, as the younger kids were in another part of the house, playing with their new toys or simply hanging out, with Krolia supervising; the others were playing a card game in teams. However the card game they're playing is 'Cards Against Humanity'.

AN: sorry but that's it, I have to get this and another chapter out as soon as possible, since the new season is coming up. If you guys want I could write an extra that is purely the game they're playing, but that isn't a guaranteed. So I'll see you in the next extra.

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