Chapter 7

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Arrow whistled for Hydro. The blue-eyed dragon grabbed the rider and dropped him into the sea from a safe distance; she checked for a bobbing head, and when she spotted it, she flew towards the Hashim Tribe Dark Fury and jumped atop the confused dragon.

"We're here to free you from the Hashim Tribe. I promise you the people here will treat you well." Arrow yelled in dragon tongue. The Night Fury stopped struggling, and Arrow slashed with another invader with her handmade sword. The blade glinted in the light as she swiped it at the man. He growled and yelled out something unintelligible. He readied his Light Fury to blast, but before that could happen, Stardust carried him off the dragon and dropped him into the sea.

"Stardust! You just killed him!" But the white dragon was gone, already moved onto another target. Arrow gulped and sent a quick prayer for the now dead warrior. Arrow hopped upon the unoccupied Light Fury, and the Night Fury she was on flew off to fight a Hashim Tribe member. Arrow continued this until half of the Furies were on Berk's side (and the riders were mostly alive), and the fight was finally looking good for Berk. Arrow searched for her golden Death Song and found him blowing amber at multiple Furies making them glide towards the ocean. She yelled for him and he shot towards her, crashing into plenty of enemy dragons. Arrow leapt onto Butterfly and fell into her seat.

"Let's go, Butterfly! Amber them!" Butterfly spew amber at the wings of any enemies dragons wings. Soon enough most of them were disabled and floating on the ocean paddling towards the shore. The invading men clambered onto the ships on standby. Arrow looked at the shore of Berk and saw the men fighting the weaker dragons on the shore.

"Butterfly! Go to the shore!" The Death Song spewed one more spurt of amber at a Dark Fury before turning around and speeding towards the shore. Suddenly, a plasma beam hit Butterfly. He roared in pain and spun around to see the attacker. It was Dusk from the stall. The one Night cried over. Arrow snarled at him. Then, growled at Falcon, who was mounted on top of him. The Light Fury shot out a beam of plasma, but Butterfly dodged it. Arrow, fueled by anger, notched an arrow into her bow and shot it at Falcon. He ducked, and took his sword out and flew forwards. Arrow drew out her sword, the Herb Tribe marking on the hilt glinting in the light. Metal clashed with metal. Arrow gritted her teeth as metal clashed with metal over and over again. However, Arrow got a good stab in the stomach. However, as Falcon let out an inhumane roar, blood soaking his leather armour, Arrow felt no satisfaction. Only guilt. He flew towards Arrow top speed. She flew towards him top speed. Then, he flew over Arrow and made a loop and fired a ball of fire at Butterfly. It hit his wing, and he started falling to the ocean waves. The last thing Arrow saw was Night knocking into Dusk and firing a plasma beam at Falcon's face. Arrow hit the ocean and the water consumed her. In all the lessons her friends had taught her, they didn't teach her how to swim. She thrashed in the water trying to go to the surface, but as more and more air bubbles escaped her mouth, blackness started to take over her vision. Arrow's arms and legs felt sore and heavy. She sent a silent prayer to the gods that everyone she loved was okay before the pain in her body took over, and she blacked out.

10 minutes later

Crow anxiously paced the shore of Berk, his antennas twitching, trying to sense Arrow. Stardust was peering at the ocean while Shadow and Hydro was scouring the waves searching for sign for Arrow. Silver had just chatted with a Scauldron, and was tapping a claw against the port waiting for the Scauldron to return with news about Arrow. Night was sitting next to Dusk, her tail swishing nervously. Crow's owner, Ashley, walked over to Crow and said to something to him. He growled. Butterfly limped over to Arrow's family, and they crowded him. Crow roared at him, angered that Arrow was lost and most likely dead. Butterfly roared right back angered that Crow thought he didn't care about the first living thing that befriended him. Toothless, sensing a fight, tried to separate them, but Butterfly shoved him away with his tail. They both flew into the air, growling at each other. Ashley attempted to get Crow down but failed. Vianna was talking to Stardust trying to get her to calm down; Anna was petting Night trying to get her to sit down and stay calm. Shadow rammed into Butterfly and his owner, Hannah, cried out in surprise. Hydro was hovering in the air with his owner Brianna, unsure of what to do. Silver let out a fierce roar, grabbing everyone's attention. His owner, Lauryn, looked at them fiercely.

"Arrow's with the Scauldron! Stop fighting!" Arrow's family and friends rushed over to the limp body. Her usually bright, red hair looked dull and lifeless. The Scauldron placed the small body onto the port. Silver growled words of thanks. The Scauldron nodded and went back into the sea. Astrid was tilting her head back and pumping her hands on her chest, trying to force the water in her lungs out. She then breathes into her mouth then pumped her chest again. She tries again and again, but Arrow's body remained still and cold. Tears were forming in Astrid's eyes, but she refused to give up. Snotlout was bawling, Fishlegs was wiping away tears, and the twins held their heads down in silence.

"Astrid...she's gone." Hiccup touched Astrid' shoulder, but she smacked it away and continued CPR haplessly.

"No! I know she's alive!" Tears streamed down her face. Butterfly walked over to Astrid and placed a large wing over Astrid.

"NO!" Astrid gave one last violent push to Arrow's chest and pounded her fists into the port's wood.

"NO! Arrow wake up! Please..." Astrid hugged Arrow's body tightly. She sobbed into Arrow's arms. She couldn't be dead. She just couldn't be...

Arrow threw up over Astrid' shoulder. Hiccup gasped in surprise. Arrow continued to retch and cough. Until there was nothing left to throw up.

"Urghhh...." Butterfly let out a roar of happiness and nuzzled his head into Arrow's face.

"Hey Butterfly. You're okay, right?"

"Don't do that to me again!" Astrid squeezed Arrow tightly before releasing her. Arrow smiled weakly. Everyone crowded around Arrow and let out cries of happiness. Hiccup gave her a fur blanket to wrap herself in, and Arrow smiled a thanks to him. Arrow rode atop Butterfly's warm body as they went to the medicine hut. She snuggled into Butterfly's body and smiled.

Thank you for keeping me alive gods...

1 month later

Arrow whooped loudly as Butterfly flew high and higher into the endless sky. He stopped and Arrow leaned off the golden dragon, and she shot through the air. Arrow laughed at the freedom of falling.

Falcon was dead. The Hashim Tribe was defeated. Arrow still couldn't believe it, but it was the truth. She then thought of Stardust. Arrow smiled at the thought of Stardust with her unborn eggs in her stomach. She then thought of Toothless's happiness when he found out. She thought of Night; she had found her mate after many years of thinking he was dead, and Silver had just attained a Dark Fury girlfriend, vanquishing sadness he had felt when Crow found Ashley. She grinned at the thought, and Butterfly swooped in and caught her. She let out a loud laugh. She then remembered Astrid. She was pregnant with Hiccup's daughter or son, and Arrow was to be its godmother. She smiled at the thought as Butterfly flew towards the island, ready to land and rest.

Arrow stared at the setting sun smiled. She was lucky to be alive. She knew that, and she was glad. She stared at the dying sun. And she smiled.

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